Bible Society of South Africa

New Beginnings: First love and first love – 28 January 2022

By Louise Gevers

Se(di)ngolwa (t)sa Bibele


2o re: Ke tseba mesebetsi ya hao, le boikgathatso ba hao, le tiisetso ya hao, le hore ha o ka ke wa mamella ba kgopo. O ile wa hlahloba ba reng ke baapostola, empa e se bona, mme wa fumana hore ba leshano. 3O tiiseditse, wa mamella matshwenyeho ka baka la lebitso la ka, wa se ke wa kgathala.

4“Leha ho le jwalo, seo ke se nyatsang ho wena ke hore ha o sa nthata jwaloka pele. 5Hopola he, hore na o wele ha o le hokae; o bake, mme o boele o phethe mesebetsi ya hao ya pele. Ho seng jwalo, ke tla tla ho wena, ke tlose sedulwana sa lebone la hao tulong ya sona, haeba o sa bake.

TSHENOLO 2:2-5SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele

The most important relationship we can have in our life is a relationship with Jesus. He is the one who died “to take away the sins of many” and “will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are waiting for him.” (Hebrews 9:28) Jesus is our great priest “who is able, now and always, to save those who come to God through him, because He lives forever to plead with God for them. Jesus then is the High Priest that meets our needs.” (Hebrews 7:25-26)

His words to the Church at Ephesus show the personal nature of the relationship He has with His people. He is aware of how they live and understands where they are in their development; He is sensitive to what they need to change and speaks directly to them, drawing their attention to their limitation, and enables us to examine our own.

When two people are mutually attracted, and fall in love with the person who will one day become their spouse, they begin to care for one another and about each other’s needs. Kindness, intimacy and commitment grow between them as they become increasingly more sensitive to each other. It happens similarly with our relationship with Jesus.

We always appreciate our spouse’s hard work, patience and ongoing care for us and our family – even when they’re tired – including the extra things they do, big or small. But what we really enjoy most is the quality time they spend with us, when they show us affection, join in our chatter and hear where we’re at. Where there is love, there is something vital about caring and communicating with each other, and being at one in heart, thought and understanding.

This is just like what Jesus’ appraisal of the church in Ephesus is about. He notices the fine quality of their work for Him, what they do in the community and for each other. He notices how they’ve even suffered for Him and endured hardships; but although there is a lot that He’s pleased with, what He is missing is their first love – the way they used to treat Him when they first met Him when He became their Saviour and Lord.

He remembers their eagerness to meet with Him often; their overflowing joy, happy singing and their making time to do those things that pleased Him, discovering more about Him each step of the way as they delighted in Him and His love for them.

Jesus had warned before He was crucified: “Because of the increase of wickedness the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.” (Matthew 24:12-13) And so He warns them to remember where they once were, to repent and return to their first love and to make Him their first love. Consider John’s words: “Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness. Whoever loves his brother lives in the light.” (1 John 2:9-10) “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the father is not in him.” (1 John 2:15)

What would Jesus say to us about our love for Him?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, “Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you.” (Psalm 73:25) Amen

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