Bible Society of South Africa

People are part of God’s plan: A couple works together – 24 May 2022

By Carina Francke

Se(di)ngolwa (t)sa Bibele


3Ntumedisetseng Priseka le Akulase, bao re sebeletsang Kreste Jesu mmoho le bona, 4ba ileng ba ipea kotsing ya lefu ka baka la ka. Ke a ba leboha, e seng nna feela, empa le tsona dikereke tsohle tsa baditjhaba.

BAROMA 16:3-4SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele

Some couples have learnt the skill of making the best of their lives together. They complement each other, capitalise on each other’s strengths, and form a formidable team – in marriage and ministry. Prisca (Priscilla) and Aquila are an example of what the Lord can do through a willing couple. These two people’s joint zeal for work and their ministry ethos, reveal their relationship with each other and the Lord. It does not focus on what usually happens between couples, but what happens through them.

Their hospitality opened the door of salvation to many people and met the need of the latter to belong somewhere. This missionary couple persevered in ministering from their home, whether it was in Corinth, Ephesus (Acts 18:18-28) or Rome. In Rome they were the ministry couple of one of the vibrant house churches that were planted. (Romans 16:3-4) No wonder the Life Application Bible (p1999) commented as follows: “The Christian home is still one of the best tools to spread the gospel. That said, you should ask yourself: Do people find and/or experience Christ in my home?

Someone who experienced Christian hospitality and ministry in the home first-hand was Paul. He visited Aquila and Priscilla in Corinth after they, like Paul and all Jews, were forced to leave Rome. The trio’s common occupation of tent-making, as well as their love for the Gospel, prompted them to invite Paul to move in with them and be part of their tent-making business. In turn, he shared his spiritual wealth and knowledge with them. Every Sabbath he also spoke to people in the synagogue and tried to convince Jews and Greeks.

Priscilla and Aquila later found themselves in Ephesus where they met Apollos, the Jew. He was an eloquent man, competent in the Scriptures, and in the way of the Lord, and taught about Jesus accurately. (Acts 18:24) ESV But the couple detected that he only knew about the baptism of John. True to their calling, the couple “invited him to their home and explained to him the way of God more adequately.” (Acts 18:26, NIV) They enlightened him with the full truth and did not leave him ignorant.

These events made me wonder: What do I (and you) do as a believer, when a sincere fellow believer interprets or shares the Word incorrectly? Do I leave him/her in the dark to plod on in ignorance, or am I going to seek the truth with him/her? If we work together, both parties become wiser, but also more cautious when correcting each other.

I cannot help but wonder though, is this not the kind of hospitality that every believer should demonstrate to people who cross over the threshold of his/her home? Ponder on this: an open door – a house of discourse, contemplation, knowledge and answers. A space enabling couples to fully share the Gospel in all its truth!

Prayer: Father, thank you that you choose people to share the wonder and power of the Gospel with lost, but also seeking people. Thank you that the Holy Spirit is the One who guides into all truth. Your children are merely the privileged ones, enabled by you, to share the truth of the Gospel. For that we praise you. Amen

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