Bible Society of South Africa

People are part of God’s plan: A young girl’s faith – 17 May 2022

By Carina Francke

Se(di)ngolwa (t)sa Bibele


3Morwetsanyana a re ho mofumahadi wa hae: “Ha monga ka a ne a ka ya ho moporofeta ya phelang Samaria, o ne a tla mo fodisa lepera lena la hae.”

2 DIKGOSI 5:3SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele

These words from an anonymous Israelite little girl is a testimony to her attitude of faith and acceptance of her unfortunate circumstances. During a marauding expedition in Israel, she was taken captive by the enemy and served Naaman’s wife in Damascus. He was the captain of the Syrian army. It is quite clear that the little girl succeeded in loving her enemy and would have loved to see him healed.

Her supplicatory prayer regarding the circumstances of her mistress’s husband sketches a picture of someone with sympathy, sincerity and honesty. “If only my master [Naaman] would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy.” (2 Kings 5:3) This supplication on his behalf becomes the lifebuoy she throws to her owners. Elisha, the man of God in her country, will heal him. How she knew the Lord’s prophet in her country, we do not know, because the nation of Israel did not worship God at that stage. What we do know from the Word is that her faith in God and his prophet Elisha made Naaman so hopeful that the king gave him permission to depart to Israel immediately and meet with Elisha for healing. A little girl’s steadfast faith stood in sharp contrast with the lack of faith of her people.

She was but an unknown, little slave girl that God used in such a unique way that it was worthy enough to be documented in the Bible. Of her can be said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” (Matthew 5:8). In God’s primary plan, a little girl stepped into the life of one of her nation’s enemies to bring him a message of hope. A message that eventually contributed to his complete healing and shameless confession, “Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel.” (2 Kings 5:15)

What does this chain of events communicate to you and me in 2022? People were, are and will always be part of God’s plan for mankind. Nothing and nobody is too young, old, or insignificant to be used by him, or to be sent to be part of building his kingdom on earth! I have a question: Are you ready to say “Yes!” to him?

A Reminder: “God created humankind to enter as a person into a relationship with God as Person. Therefor He created humankind with his own will and choice. It is in the way that people make decisions and practice choices, that the relationship with God becomes visible. Enforcement does not expose one’s attitude – only free will does. For this reason, the risk must be taken that a person can choose wrongly, that he can go beyond his bounds.” (Bybellenium FJ van Rensburg & Nel. p16)

Prayer: My heavenly Father, knead my heart until it is soft. Mould my spiritual ears to hear your softly spoken call clearly as a ringing bell. Then give me the courage to answer “Yes” to your call. Amen

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