Do more than is expected of you, to the glory of God - 25 June 2024

By Ewald Schmidt
Se(di)ngolwa (t)sa Bibele
Our Lord Jesus came to teach us a new way of living. In the Sermon on the Mount, he helps us to think in a new manner and to act accordingly to our neighbour. This is because we are inclined to live in our own comfort zone. We try to spend the least amount of energy to gain as much as possible. Our first question is usually: what is in it for me? What do I get from this deal?
To be a disciple of Jesus requires a radical transformation of our priorities in life. We are to deny ourselves and take up our own cross daily, if we want to follow Jesus (Luke 9:23). Today’s verse gives us three examples of denying ourselves, to put others first. The first example is to let go of our desire to always stand on our rights. According to Jewish law, if you were in debt, your under garments could be taken and sold to help defray the cost. However, your upper garments could not be sold, to protect your dignity. When Jesus tells us to also let go of our coat, our outer garment, he tells us to do more than the minimum to clear our names.
In the second example, any Roman soldier could command any civilian in the empire to bear his load for one Roman mile, but no more. This limited the amount of exploitation imposed on any individual, but it was a very inconvenient task demanded from one. We all have inconvenient tasks in our lives, things we would rather not be doing. When Jesus calls upon his followers to go the extra mile, he asks of us to do our chores with a good attitude and to go beyond what is required of us. It is good advice. A worker going the extra mile adds value to his company and usually finds promotion much faster than the lazy worker. When we do our daily work to honour the Lord, it bears a good testimony of the goodness of God. A Christian does more than what is expected of him/her.
In the third example, Jesus asks of us to share our blessings. When we have received more than another person and that person is in need, we may be the answer to their prayers when we share what we have. We can be instruments of blessing in other people’s lives. This is a test of our attitude in life. When we live for ourselves, our hands are closed for others; we do not share or borrow. But when we live for God, our hands are open to receive God’s blessings. When our hands remain open to share with others, God’s provision becomes apparent and he gets the glory.
In all three examples, we are called upon to go beyond that what is expected of us. We work harder, give more and share more than the minimum required from us. This unlocks an opportunity to bear testimony to the goodness of God and it makes this world a better place.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for being so good to me. Thank you for providing for all my needs and thank you for my health. Help me to share my blessings with others; to use my energy, time and goods wherever I can make a difference in my neighbour’s life. Amen