Bible Society of South Africa

On which foundation do you build your life? - 29 November 2024

By Ewald Schmidt

Se(di)ngolwa (t)sa Bibele


Metheo e mmedi

24“Ha ho le jwalo, mang le mang ya utlwang dipolelo tsena tsa ka, a di phetha, o tla tshwantshwa le motho ya bohlale, ya ileng a haha ntlo ya hae hodima letlapa. 25Sekgohola sa fihla, diphororo tsa matha, meya ya puka, ya kgahlela ntlo eo, empa ha ya ka ya wa, hobane e ne e theilwe hodima letlapa. 26Athe mang le mang ya utlwang dipolelo tsena tsa ka, a sa di phethe, o tla tshwantshwa le motho ya sethoto, ya ileng a haha ntlo ya hae lehlabatheng. 27Sekgohola sa fihla, diphororo tsa matha, meya ya puka, ya kgahlela ntlo eo, yaba e a wa, mme ho wa ha yona ya eba ho tshabehang.”

MATHEU 7:24-27SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele

Each one of us is building our lives, one day at a time. We all have our own dreams and ideals for this one life that we have received from God. We plan, pray and work towards reaching our goals. And we are doing it in a time of uncertainty. The cost of living has risen significantly. We are given a measured span of time to reach our goals. The Bible says we are given 70 years and with extra grace, 80 years to live this one life (Psalm 90:10). Whilst we are surviving, planning and living, Jesus warns that there is a storm coming. We are building our lives and our building work will be tested. Jesus warns us in time to be mindful on which foundation we are building our lives.

Jesus came to this world to bring us life, life that will be everlasting for those who believe in him. He came to teach us about the kingdom of God and he invited us to be his disciples, following in his footsteps, continuing his mission. He took our sins on him and paid for it on the cross. He gave us the words of life. When we hear the words of Jesus and we respond by putting it in practise by faith, we are building our lives on the rock. On the Rock of Jesus, we are secure; the storms may come, but we will be secure forever. Our house of faith will weather the storm.

Sadly, there are so many people building their lives on the foundation of SELF. Some people are of the opinion that they are self-sufficient and they do not need the Lord’s help. With their own strength and talent, they plan to build their future, the way that they want it to be. Such a house could look very impressive; by grace, God has blessed people with extraordinary talent and potential. Even if they do not believe in him, God blesses and provides. Some people hear the words of the gospel and receive the invitation to follow Christ. However, they just keep on walking in their own direction, following their own hearts and minds, turning their backs on Jesus. When the storms of life come, their houses disintegrate and are demolished. Lives collapse when they are not built on the foundation of Jesus. It does not have to be that way. We have received the words of Jesus, calling out to us in love. When we respond by faith, by putting our trust in him, we will be able to weather the storms of life. We build our lives on the Rock of ages and no storm shall conquer us, for we belong to him.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, you are my Rock of ages. You have withstood all the storms of time. Thank you for your life-giving words. Help me to cling to you alone when I experience the storms of life. Thank you that I am always secure in your protection. Amen

Dear reader, thank you for travelling with me through the words of the Sermon on the Mount during this year. May God lead you on beautiful paths!

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