*Psalms 23
The Lord is my Shepherd
This is a Psalm of David.
1The Lord is my Shepherd.
He cares for me,
and I have everything that I need.
2He makes me lie down and rest
in green fields
where the water is calm.
3The Lord gives me new strength.
He teaches me to live in the right way
because I belong to Him.
4Even if I walk through
a deep and dark valley,
I will not be afraid, because You,
O Lord, are with me.
You protect me like a shepherd
protects his sheep
with his stick and his staff.
5You invite me to sit at your table,
but my enemies may only
stand far away and look.
You make me feel important,
and You make me enjoy everything.
6You will love me and
be good to me for as long as I live.
I will always come back
to your temple
and live in the house_of_the_Lord forever.
ltpgtEnglish Bible for the Deaf © Bible Society of South Africa 2019. Used with permission. All rights reserved.lt/pgt