Galatians 1
Greetings from Paul
1-2I, Paul, and all the believers here with me, are writing this letter to those of you who are from the congregations in Galatia. I am an apostle, but I was not chosen by a person or by people. Jesus Christ and God the Father chose me. This is the God who made Jesus live again after He had died. 3I pray that God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ will be gracious to you and that He will give you peace. 4Christ did what God our Father wanted. He died to take away our sins. This is how He has saved us from this sinful world that we live in. 5That is why we praise God forever and ever. Amen.
There is only one Good_News message
6I am surprised that you in Galatia have forgotten the grace of God so quickly. God was very good to you. He chose you to belong to Him and He gave his grace to you when He sent Christ to save you. But now you have started to believe something different, not the Good_News that we have preached to you. 7You must know that there is no other Good_News message. The people who are telling you different stories are confusing you and they change the Good_News of Christ and make it false. 8We told you the true Good_News message and no person may preach anything else to you. He may preach only the Good_News that I have preached to you. Not even an angel from heaven may preach another message. If someone does, then God will punish him. 9I will say it again: I have told you the right message and God will punish anyone who preaches a different message.
10Do you think that I am saying these things so that people and God will like me? No. Some people will say that I use clever words to please people and that I am trying to say things that people like. That is not_true. If I do that, then I am not a servant of Christ.
Paul's message tells only about Jesus Christ
11Friends, it is very important to me that you must know this. The Good_News message that I preach does not come from people. 12I did not get this message from other people and I did not learn about it from someone else. Jesus Christ Himself gave it to me when He appeared to me.
God changed Paul's life
13You know what my life was like before, when I knew only the Jewish religion. I did very, very bad things to the congregation of God. I tried to destroy the church. 14I was a more successful Jew than all the other Jews of my age. I was more obedient to the things that our forefathers said and taught us. 15But God chose me before I was born. He was very good to me and He made me an apostle. He decided 16to show me his Son so that I can go to the Gentiles and tell them about the Son of God. After I had seen Him, I did not ask other people what they knew about Him. 17I also did not go to Jerusalem to the people who had become apostles before me. No, I went to the land of Arabia and then later on I went back to the city of Damascus.
18After 3 years I went to Jerusalem to meet Cephas and I stayed with him for 2 weeks. 19I did not see any of the other apostles. I saw only James, the brother of the Lord. 20What I am writing to you is the truth. God is my Witness.
21Later on I went to the provinces of Syria and Cilicia. 22The Christian congregations in the province of Judea did not know me. 23They only heard people say: ‘Paul has changed. He persecuted us before and tried to break our faith, but now he tells everyone that they must believe in Christ.’ 24And they praised God because I had changed.
English Bible for the Deaf © Bible Society of South Africa 2019. Used with permission. All rights reserved.