Jesus preaches on the mountain
1When Jesus saw the crowd of people, He went to the mountain side and He sat down. His disciples came to Him. 2Then He started to teach them.
People who are really happy
Jesus said:
3‘People who know that they need God
are happy people,
because God in heaven rules over them.
4People who are sad now are happy people,
because God will take away their tears
and they will not cry anymore.
5People who are humble and who trust in God
are happy people,
because God will give them the earth.
6People who really like to do what God wants
are happy people.
God will be good to them.
7People that help other people who suffer
are happy people.
God will also help them.
8People who serve only God
are happy people,
because they will see God.
9People who make peace
between other people who fight
are happy people.
God will say they are his children.
10When people do what God wants
and other people do bad things to them,
then they are happy people,
because God in heaven rules over them.
11You are happy when people do bad things to you and humiliate you because you serve Me. You are happy when people say bad things about you and tell stories that are not_true. 12When people do bad things to you, you must be very happy, because in heaven God will be good to you. People also did bad things to the prophets who lived long ago.’
The salt and light of the world
(Also in Mark 4:21-23; Luke 8:16-18; 14:34-35)
13Jesus said: ‘You are to the earth what salt is in food. But if salt no longer tastes like salt, then no one can make it taste like salt again. Salt that does not taste like salt is no good. People throw it away and they walk on it.
14You are to the world like the light of the sun. If a city is built on a mountain, then all the people can see that city and you can not hide that city.’
15Jesus also said to them: ‘You do not put a lamp under a bowl or under a bed. No one does that. You put a lamp on the table and the light shines so that everyone in the house can see. 16Your light must also shine and people must see your light. They must see the good things that you do, then they will praise your Father in heaven.’
Jesus says the laws are important
17‘Do not think I came to say that the laws of Moses and the books of the prophets are not important anymore. I did not come to say that they are unimportant. I came to show what Moses and the prophets really meant and what they wanted to say. 18I tell you this and it is sure: Heaven and earth will stop and disappear, but nothing in the laws of Moses will disappear. Not even a letter or the smallest part of a word will disappear. Everything that is written in the Old_Testament must first happen. 19Some people think it is not important to do every small thing that the laws of God say and they also teach other people to do the same. But any person who does that must know: He will also be unimportant to God in heaven who rules over all. But anyone who does what the laws of God say, and who teaches other people to do so, will be important to God in heaven who rules over all. 20I tell you this and it is sure: You must do what God says and do what He wants. You must listen to God more than the teachers_of_the_Laws and the Pharisees do. If you do not obey God like that, then you will not go to God in heaven who rules over all.’
The laws are important: People must make peace
21Jesus said: ‘You know that the laws of Moses say: “You must not kill someone. If you kill someone, then the court will punish you.” 22But I tell you: Any person who gets angry with his brother must know this: The court will punish him. And any person who says to his brother: “You are no good,” must know: The council will punish him.
And if you say to someone that he is a fool, then you will burn in the fire of hell.
23If you bring your offering to the altar and you remember that your brother is angry with you, 24then you must leave your offering there at the altar and go and make peace with your brother. Then come back and give your offering to God.
25If someone wants to take you to court, then you must make peace with him before you go into the court. If you don't do that, he will give you over to the judge and the judge will give you over to the guards and they will put you in jail. 26I tell you this and it is sure: You will not get out of jail. You will first have to pay everything that you have, even your last copper_coin.’
What adultery is
(Also in Matthew 18:8-9; Mark 9:43)
27Jesus also said: ‘You know that the laws of Moses say: “You must not have sex with someone if you are not married to that person. If you do, it is adultery.” 28But I tell you: Any person who looks at another woman who is not his wife, and wants to have sex with her, has already sinned and is guilty of adultery in his heart. 29If your right eye makes you sin, take it out and throw it away, because then you have only lost an eye and your whole body will not go to hell. 30If your right hand makes you sin, cut it off and throw it away, because then you have only lost a hand and you will not go to hell.’
Married people who divorce
(Also in Matthew 19:3-12; Mark 10:11-12; Luke 16:18)
31‘You know that the laws of Moses say: “A man who divorces his wife must give her divorce papers.” 32But I tell you: Do not divorce. If a man divorces his wife and she marries another man, then she is guilty of adultery but it is her first husband's fault. And every man who divorces his wife and marries another woman is guilty of adultery. A man may divorce his wife only if she has had sex with another man.’
Do not promise anything
33Jesus also said: ‘You know that the laws of Moses say: “You must not promise something if you do not want to do it” and “if you have promised that you will give something to the Lord, then you must give it.” 34But I tell you: You must never promise something and say God is your Witness. Do not promise something and say the sky is your witness, or the heaven or the throne of God is your witness. 35Do not promise something and say the earth is your witness because the earth is where God puts his feet to rest. Do not promise something and say Jerusalem is the witness because Jerusalem is the city of God, the Great_King. 36Do not promise something and say that you are the witness because you can not change the colour of one hair on your head.
37You must just say “yes” when you want to say yes and say “no” when you want to say no. If you say more than this, it is the devil who makes you say it.’
Don't do something bad to people
38‘You know that the laws of Moses say: “If someone takes out your eye, then you may also take out his eye. If someone hits you and he hits out your tooth, then you may also hit out his tooth.”
39But I tell you: If someone does something bad to you, do not also try to do something bad to him. If he hits you on the right side of your face, turn your head and tell him that he may also hit you on the other side of your face. 40If he wants to take you to court because he wants your shirt, give him your shirt as well as your coat. 41If a soldier tells you to carry something for him for one mile, then you must carry it for 2 miles. 42If someone asks you for something, give it to him. If someone wants to borrow money, don't say “no” to him. Give it to him.’
Love your enemy
43Jesus said: ‘You know that the laws of Moses say: “You must love other people, also the people near you, and you must hate your enemy.” 44But I tell you: You must love your enemies and you must pray for the people who do bad things to you. 45Then people will know that you are children of your Father in heaven. Your Father lets the sun shine on bad people and on good people and He lets the rain fall on people who do good things and also on people who do bad things. 46If you love only those people who love you, then God will not reward you, because the tax-collectors do the same. They also love their friends and the people near them. 47And if you are friendly only with the people near you, then you do what all the other people do. You are not better than they are. The people who do not know God do the same. 48Your Father in heaven loves all people. You must also love everyone.’