The voice of the Lord is like a storm
This is a Psalm of David.
1Praise the Lord, all who are in heaven.
Praise Him because He is the strong King.
2Praise the name of the Lord
because He is King.
Bow down before Him when
He appears, because He is holy.
3Everyone can hear the voice
of the Lord when He speaks over the water,
when God, the King, speaks
loudly over the sea.
4The voice of the Lord is very strong,
and when He speaks loudly,
everyone knows that He is King.
5When the Lord speaks,
the cedar trees of the Lebanon Mountains break down.
6He makes the mountains jump like calves.
He makes the Lebanon mountains
and Mount Sirion dance
like calves of wild_oxen.
7The voice of the Lord
makes lightning flash like fires.
8When the Lord speaks,
the desert trembles.
He makes Kadesh tremble too.
9When the Lord speaks,
the deer have babies,
all the leaves of the trees in the forest fall,
and everyone in the temple
shouts and says:
‘Glory to the Lord, our King.’
10The Lord sits on his throne
above the water flood.
He is King forever.
11The Lord makes his people strong.
He blesses his people and gives them peace.