Bible Society of South Africa

40 DAYS – Time with God – Day 12

The Potter and the Clay

by Pat Baxter

Itekisi yeBhayibhile


7Kambe ke obu butyebi sibuphethe ngezitya zodongwe, ukuze kucace ukuba amandla ancamisayo ngakaThixo, akangowethu. 8Ke, sithi sisezimbandezelweni zingasixini noko; sithingaze maxa wambi, kodwa singancami; 9singqingwe ziintshaba, kodwa asize singabi namhlobo; sintlithwa kanobom, singafi noko. 10Lonke ixesha sisoloko sithwele ukufa kukaYesu, ukuze ubomi bakhe bubonakale kuthi ziqu. 11Ewe, ngalo lonke ixesha sisoloko sisesichengeni sokufa ngenxa kaYesu, khon' ukuze ukudla kwakhe ubomi kubonakale ngathi bantu bafayo. 12Ngoko ke, kuthi kusebenza ukufa, kodwa kuni kusebenza ubomi.

2 KWABASEKORINTE 4:7-12XHO96Vula kumfundi weBhayibhile

We are not called to be the Potter and solve all that is not Godly, but to be the fragile clay pot moulded by the Potter to do great things in difficult times.

We may see darkness surrounding us, but God’s light promises to shine through. Our Christian identity will never be found in succumbing to the darkness, but in receiving, carrying, and sharing the GODLY TREASURE with those in darkness. Let the strength of God’s treasure be yours and may your faith be tested positive now and always.

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