Bible Society of South Africa

God’s Dwelling Place – Day 176

Meditations on the founding and growth of the church: the body of Christ, holding out the truth of the gospel, spreading throughout the whole world, frequently oppressed and suffering, but sure in the hope of a new heavens and earth.

Itekisi yeBhayibhile


Izulu elitsha nehlabathi elitsha

1Ndabona izulu elitsha nehlabathi elitsha. Kaloku elokuqala izulu nelokuqala ihlabathi laliselidlule. Kwakungasekho nolwandle olu. 2Ndabona nesixeko esingcwele, iJerusalem entsha, isihla ivela kuThixo ezulwini. Yayingasentle! Yayingathi ngumtshakazi ehombele umyeni. 3Ndive ilizwi elikhulu, livela ngasesihlalweni sokulawula, lisithi: “Uyasibona esi sixeko? Kulapho uThixo ahlala khona nabantu. Uya kuhlala phakathi kwabo, babe yimilowo yakhe, yena abe nguThixo wabo. UThixo ngenkqu uya kuhlala nabo. 4Uya kubosula zonke iinyembezi. Akusayi kubuye kubekho kufa, nalusizi, nasikhalo, nazintlungu. Kaloku lidlule ilizwe lokuqala.”

5Ke lowo uhleli esihlalweni sokulawula wathi: “Ngoku yonke indalo ndiyenza ntsha.” Ubuye wathi: “Bhala kaloku! La mazwi ndiwathethayo athembekile, ayinyaniso.”

ISITYHILELO 21:1-5XHO96Vula kumfundi weBhayibhile
Bible Society of South Africav.4.28.1