Bible Society of South Africa
Xanthe Galanis

Come to Me – Day 2

An invitation from a reasonable God

Itekisi yeBhayibhile


18Ewe, uNdikhoyo uthi:

“Yizani, khe sithetha-thethane.

Noba sewudyobheke wankone sisono,

mna ndokuhlambulula utsho ube msulwa;

kanti nokuba sewuyinyhuku-nyhuku,

mna ndiya kukwenza ube mhlophe qhwa.

19Ukuba niyavuma ukundithobela,

ningabuxhamla ubuncwane beli lizwe.

UISAYA 1:18-19XHO96Vula kumfundi weBhayibhile

The more I read the Bible and study God’s word, the more I find that the Lord is constantly calling and inviting mankind to come to him, despite our hypocrisy and disobedience! And of all the wonderful things that God is, he is reasonable.

If the first part of Isaiah 1 sounded like a prosecutor stating his case, this part sounds more like a lawyer negotiating an out-of-court settlement. This is not a call to trial or a call to judgement. It is a call to Israel to open their hearts and listen. God is calling a meeting with Israel, not to establish guilt, but to arrange pardon. He is not asking for compensation or for retribution for their past, he is simply asking them to obey.

God desires to reason with his people. More than that, God desires to restore his people and to give them the best. He does not simply command Israel or demand that they obey him; he leaves the decision with them. Today, he leaves the same decision with you.

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