Bible Society of South Africa
Carina Francke

God in us – Day 12

His power enables me to live

Itekisi yeBhayibhile


Ukubizwa nokunyulwa nguThixo

3Ngamandla akhe uThixo usenzele zonke izinto eziyimfuneko ebomini, ukuze siziphathe ngokwentando yakhe; nokuze sazane nalowo usibizileyo, khon' ukuze sibuxhamle ubuqaqawuli nesidima sakhe. 4Ezi zipho zisisiqinisekiso sezinto ezinkulu nezimangalisayo asenzela zona: uThixo usenza sibe nenxaxheba kubomi bakhe, sikuphephe ukonakaliswa lihlabathi elikhohlakeleyo.

2 KAPETROS 1:3-4XHO96Vula kumfundi weBhayibhile


4Kaloku izixhobo esilwa ngazo ayizizo ezehlabathi, koko zizikrweqe ezomeleleyo zikaThixo. Ngazo ke sidiliza iinqaba. Ewe, sichitha iingxoxo ezilahlekisayo; 5sidiliza ngazo yonke imiqobo yamabhongo achasa ukuba abantu bamazi uThixo; sithimba zonke iingcamango, sizenze zithobele uKrestu.

2 KWABASEKORINTE 10:4-5XHO96Vula kumfundi weBhayibhile

The word “life” refers to the physical and spiritual dimensions of our existence. In the physical, we know that someone is alive when he breathes or has movements, but does he really live? Let me explain: he gets up, goes to work, returns home, in passing asks how everyone is (maybe) and goes to bed … day in and day out – a monotonous existence.

To really live is to be on an exploring trip of “life things”; to take a moment to pause and intentionally enjoy the sun coming up; eat your bread with thankfulness; keep your senses sharp to be enriched by the unexpected, but even better, to be someone for other people around you. These are the kind of things that give meaning to your life.

However, life is especially about the spiritual dimension – man’s spirit risen from the dead, because of his faith in and knowledge of Jesus. This relationship deposits God’s power and gifts in your life, which enable you to escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. You are now in possession of weapons that have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself but against God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)

You need not bow your knee before temptations anymore – his godly power enables you to resist. You can take control of your wandering and doubting thoughts; you can expose sly, misleading talk for what it is – lies; and you can be freed from anything from the past that keeps you in bondage.

The world need not dictate your lifestyle, preference, emotions and actions anymore. No, you belong to him; you were called by him and his gifts to you are your passport to freedom. Moreover, these gifts enable you to participate in his divine nature, to become like him, so that your life becomes a mirror that increasingly reflects his glory.

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