Bible Society of South Africa
Gerhard Lindeque

Pentecost – Day 1 (25 June)

God’s Spirit gives life

Itekisi yeBhayibhile


Intlambo yamathambo omileyo

1Amandla *kaNdikhoyo andongamela, waza wandifunqula ngoMoya wakhe, wandibeka esizikithini sentlambo eyayizele ngamathambo. 2Wandijikelezisa phakathi kwawo, ndaza ndabona amathambo amaninzi ethe waca apho entlanjeni; ayesele ome nko. 3Waza wathi: “Mntundini, angaba saphila na la mathambo?”

Ndaphendula ndathi: “Nguwe owaziyo, Mhlekazi Ndikhoyo.”

4Wathi ke kum: “Shumayeza la mathambo, uthi kuwo: Mathambondini omileyo, yivani ilizwi likaNdikhoyo! 5Itsho iNkosi uNdikhoyo kula mathambo ukuthi: Ndiya kufaka umoya kuni ukuze nidle ubomi. 6Ndiya kunamathelisa imisipha kuni, ndigqume ngenyama, ndize ndinambathise ngolusu. Ndiya kunifaka umoya, nize nibe ngabaphilayo. Niya kutsho nazi ukuba ndinguNdikhoyo.”

7Ndashumayela ke njengoko ndandiyalelwe. Ndathi, ndisashumayela njalo, ndeva isandi esirhwashazayo, aza amathambo ahlangana, ithambo ladibana nelinye. 8Ndajonga kwaza kwavela imisipha nenyama kuwo, ambathiswa ngolusu, kodwa ayengekabi namoya.

9Waza wathi kum: “Shumayeza umoya; wushumayeze, mntundini, uthi kuwo: ‘Itsho iNgangalala uNdikhoyo ukuthi: Moyandini, yiza uvela kwimimoya yomine, uphefumlele abafe ngekrele, khon' ukuze babe ngabaphilayo.’ ” 10Ndashumayela ke njengoko endiyalela, waza umoya wangena kuwo, aba ngabaphilayo, avuka ema ngeenyawo – inyambalala yomkhosi.

11Wathi ke kum: “Mntundini, la mathambo yindlu kaSirayeli iphela. Ithi: ‘Amathambo ethu omile; ithemba lethu lidakile; kuphelile kuthi.’ 12Ke shumayela uthi kuyo: ‘Itsho iNgangalala uNdikhoyo ukuthi: Bantu bam, ndiza kuwavula amangcwaba enu, ndize ndinikhuphe kuwo. Ndiza kunibuyisela ezweni lakwaSirayeli. 13Niya kuqonda ke nina, bantu bam, ukuba ndinguNdikhoyo, xa ndiwavula amangcwaba enu, ndinikhupha kuwo. 14Ndiya kufaka uMoya wam kuni, ukuze niphile, ndize ndinibeke ezweni lenu. Niya kuqonda ukuba mna Ndikhoyo ndithethile ndenza, utsho uNdikhoyo.’ ”

UHEZEKILE 37:1-14XHO96Vula kumfundi weBhayibhile

It is often only when we reach our lowest point in our lives that we experience the power of God’s Spirit. After all, Jesus Christ taught us: Blessed are those who know how dependent they are on God. We also remember Paul’s famous words: “For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

The prophet Ezekiel is going through a spiritual low. He experiences that he is in a valley full of dry bones. The whole picture speaks of death and hopelessness. It is symbolic of the nation of Israel in exile. They lost courage. Sometimes we feel that way too – we no longer feel like living. We find it difficult to look to the future. The sadness overwhelms us and we feel spiritually drained.

In the scripture, the Lord shows the prophet a situation that seems impossible and asks him to do something that sounds completely illogical. He must stand firm as a prophet and speak to the dry bones. In this way, God involves Ezekiel. God works miracles while you and I continue with our responsibilities as children of the Lord – no matter how dire things around us may seem.

How do we, as children of God, act when faced with difficult situations? Not by withdrawing ourselves and giving up, but by continuing with our responsibilities as children of God. God’s Spirit now dwells in us and makes us alive. He makes us look forward again and shapes us into new people who start living and acting in a new way. God ultimately works miracles when we live with forgiveness, compassion and endurance. There is hope. We will start to experience God’s deliverance more and this will happen in ways we do not expect.

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