Bible Society of South Africa
Gerhard Lindeque

Pentecost – Day 7 (1 July)

God’s Spirit encourages us from the Bible during uncertain circumstances

Itekisi yeBhayibhile


Ilizwi likaNdikhoyo liyakhanyisa

105Ilizwi lakho sisibane sendlela yam;

liyandikhanyisela eluhambeni.

IINDUMISO 119:105XHO96Vula kumfundi weBhayibhile


UYesu uzibonakalisa e-Emawusi

13Kwangaloo mini kwasuka abafundi ababini baya e-Emawusi, idolophana emalunga neekhilomitha ezilishumi elinambini ukusuka eJerusalem. 14Babethetha ngako konke okwakuthe kwenzeka. 15Kwathi besathetha bebuzana, uYesu ngenkqu wasondela wahamba nabo, 16kodwa bembona nje, kwasitheliswa kubo ukuba bamnakane. 17UYesu ke wathi kubo: “Zizinto zini na ezi nihamba nincokola ngazo?”

Bema ke bematshekile; 18waza waphendula omnye, lo ugama linguKleyopa, wathi kuye: “Nguwe kuphela na kwababekho eJerusalem ongazaziyo izinto ezenzeke khona kwezi ntsuku?”

19Wathi kubo: “Zinto zini na?”

Bathi bona kuye: “Ezo zingoYesu waseNazarete, *owayengumshumayeli onamandla amakhulu ekwenzeni imiqondiso nasekuthetheni, engqinelwa nguThixo nangabo bonke abantu. 20Ababingeleli abaziintloko nabaphathi bethu bamnikela ukuba agwetyelwe ukufa, waza wabethelelwa emnqamlezweni. 21Ke thina besithembe ukuba nguye owokhulula uSirayeli. Kunjalo nje namhlanje lusuku lwesithathu zenzekile ezo zinto. 22Kanti abafazi abathile beqela lethu, abathe baya engcwabeni kwakusasa, basothusile, 23kuba bengawufumani umzimba wakhe, babuye besithi babone umbono wezithunywa ezithi uyaphila. 24Basuka nabanye bethu, baya engcwabeni, bafika kunjengoko babetshilo abafazi. Ke yena abambonanga.”

25Waza uYesu wathi kubo: “Ninje na kanti ukungaqondi! Nithatha kade kangaka na ukukholwa kuko konke abâkuthetháyo *abashumayeli! 26*UKrestu ebengamelwe na kukuthi abuve obu bunzima, aze anyuselwe ewongeni?” 27Wabachazela kuzo zonke *iziBhalo iindawo ezithetha ngaye, eqalela kwiincwadi zikaMosis, waya kutsho kuzo zonke ezabashumayeli bamandulo.

28Basondela ke kuloo dolophana babesiya kuyo, wanga uYesu uyagqitha; 29baza bona bamcela besithi: “Hlala nathi, kuba kuyahlwa, nemini seyimkile.” Wangena ke ukuba ahlale nabo. 30Wathi, esetafileni kunye nabo, wathatha isonka, wabulela, wasiqhekeza, wabanika. 31Aqabuka amehlo abo, bamazi. Wathi shwaka yena kubo. 32Baza bathi omnye komnye: “Iintliziyo zethu bezingavuthi na luvuyo xa ebethetha nathi endleleni esityhilela iziBhalo?”

33Besuka kwangelo lixa, babuyela eJerusalem, babafumana abafundi abalishumi elinanye behlanganisene ndawonye kunye nâbo babenabo, 34besithi: “Inene, iNkosi ivukile! Ibonakele kuSimon.” 35Bakubalisa ke okwenzeke endleleni, nokutyhileka kweNkosi kubo xa yayiqhekeza isonka.

ULUKA 24:13-35XHO96Vula kumfundi weBhayibhile

When things do not work out as we had hoped or planned, it is only human to become discouraged at some point. Sometimes, our circumstances can suddenly change and life seems dark and uncertain. We sometimes feel like the two men who were on their way to Emmaus. They were very dissapointed and said: “We were just hoping that …”

Jesus then joins them on the road and where does Jesus begin to give them hope again? He begins with the Bible. He talks to them about the statements in scripture that apply to him. As they continue to walk, their hearts become warm again, in other words, they are filled with hope again. Even though it is getting dark around them, their lives are filled with light again.

This passage reaffirms the immeasurable value of the Bible to us. When people talk about the Bible, there is hope and light in the darkness. Psalm 119:105, for example, confirms this: “Your Word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path.” Note that the light is not far away, but right in front of your feet so that you can take the next step. It assures us of God’s presence. He is with us on our life path. God is not just waiting for us in heaven one day. Through his Word and Spirit, God walks with us through life.

It is imperative that people hear this wonderful message, for God’s Spirit uses the Bible to shed light during uncertain times. Read and reflect on it regularly and talk to others about it. Through his Word, God’s Spirit warms our hearts and brings our hope back. Whatever our circumstances may be, may we always experience the warmth of the Lord’s presence and the light of his Word on our life path.

Bible Society of South Africav.4.28.1