Bible Society of South Africa
Quintus Heine

Suffering, resurrection and Christian love – day 11

The resurrection makes you aware of your specific calling

Itekisi yeBhayibhile


3Athe elapho akunakana ukubetha kolwimi lomfana womLevi, aza aya kuye, abuza athi: “Uzokwenza ntoni apha? Uze nabani?”

IINKOKHELI 18:3XHO96Vula kumfundi weBhayibhile

Maybe you should also answer these questions from Judges 18:3 from time to time: Who brought you here? What are you doing here? Why are you here?

You are not where you are without reason. God brought you to this point. The question is, do you and I realise it and do we know what the Lord wants to achieve with our lives?

The Lord has a common calling for all believers: We should praise and serve God, do our best, serve and witness to our loved ones, etc.

However, God also has a specific calling for each individual believer, one that is meant just for you.

How do you know what your calling is? You need to seek the Lord earnestly! If we look at the examples in the Bible, we see that there are guidelines on how we can know what our specific calling is:

  1. 1.A person’s spiritual calling is usually directed at other people. Nowhere in the Bible is someone’s calling directed at themselves or their own needs.
  2. 2.Each person has a specific and unique calling that is different from others.
  3. 3.Your calling is not unchangeable. It can change as your circumstances change.
  4. 4.You, often, only discover your calling when you go through difficult circumstances. It is as though God speaks very loudly to us through suffering. Romans 5 helps us with this.
  5. 5.A person’s personal calling becomes clearer as you live closer to God!
  6. 6.You hear God’s voice better if you have a lifestyle of prayer and spend a lot of time with the Bible.

Today, seek out your calling before God: Who brought you here? What are you doing here? Why are you here?

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