A rose by any other name - 22 March 2024

By Imogen Campbell
Itekisi yeBhayibhile
Shakespeare once wrote, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” So, what is in a name? Let’s consider the oldest and most prestigious grass-court tennis tournament in the world held at the All England Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club annually. It is simply known as Wimbledon.
The name alone conjures up images of celebrities, royals, rain and, of course, strawberries and cream. It is synonymous with excellence and elegance, while tradition and royal patronage have endowed it with an air of unrivalled sophistication. Seemingly, names do define places!
What about people? God has certainly not shied away from changing the names of key personalities in the Bible. In those days, names carried specific meaning: names had a way of denoting some aspect of a person’s character, communicated something of God’s message to humans, or highlighted profound change in an individual’s life or character, etc.
This month, we have already become reacquainted with how Abram and Sarai became Abraham and Sarah respectively. In the New Testament, specific names were given to John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ, while the earthly father of God’s son ensured he was named Jesus.
Another New Testament “great” also underwent a name change. Simon became Peter (Matthew 16:18). We also see Saul increasingly being known as Paul but not in the same way. And someday, new names are on the cards for believers too: “… I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it.” (Revelation 2:17)
In the end, it would appear that the most significant aspect of nomenclature is the emphasis God ascribes to it. Jesus’ name is so powerful, He responds to our requests in his name. “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” (John 14:13-14)
We are destined to bow at the mention of the highest name in all creation; all mankind will confess it at the end of time. When we make our good confession to make Jesus Lord (Romans 10:9-10), we do it in the name of the Son. Incredibly, when this life is over, we will have new names to match our new heavenly bodies. Amazing!
Prayer: Thank you, God, that you know each of us by name and have included us in your plan to bring glory to your name. We thank you and pray this all in Jesus’ name. Amen