Bible Society of South Africa

Make the world better: Be honest – and gentle with yourself - 31 October 2024

By Charlea Grey

Itekisi yeBhayibhile


7Ewe, uNdikhoyo ulungile:

ungumqolomba ngamaxesha eenkathazo;

ubakhathalele abo bathembele kuye.

“How are you?”
“Fine, thank you, and you?”
“I am also fine, thank you.”

We all say this little rhyme at least once or twice a day, at minimum.

But let’s be honest: the real answer is not always “fine, thank you,” is it?

My husband and I often talk about how refreshing it is when people genuinely care about your answer and how you never really know what others are going through, because so many of us reply “fine, thank you” just out of habit.

The other day, while listening to my Matthew West playlist, I heard the song “Truth Be Told”, which is all about how things are not always as they seem. It really struck a chord with me.

Some of us wear our heart on our sleeve and easily share how we are truly feeling. However, it is not that easy for everyone to be honest about how they are doing. Some people are more private and some may feel that they do not want to burden others with their problems. Furthermore, in a society where social media reigns supreme for so many, things get even more complicated because we are constantly bombarded with “perfect” pictures of friends, strangers and celebrities, and their beautiful homes, well-behaved kids, disciplined workout routines, fit bodies, delicious food, fashionable outfits and fabulous parties.

It is difficult not to compare yourself to these perfect images. It is difficult to be honest and say: “I am worried. I am struggling. I am scared.”

But I believe honesty is always a good idea. Honesty helps us talk about the tough things and truly support one another. Honesty brings depth to relationships. However, I know that it is not easy for everyone to open up and be honest about their hardships and struggles with others.

I want to remind you today that you can open your heart and talk to God about whatever you are going through. It is freeing and comforting to talk to him and share what is worrying us, what is bothering us and how we feel about life.

We do not have to say “fine, thank you” to God. He knows our hearts.

And you know what? It is okay if everything is not always okay.

Prayer: Lord, thank you that I can talk to you. Thank you that I can be honest about how I am doing. Help me to also share my heart with the right people at the right time, so that I can show others that it is okay if everything is not always okay. Amen

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