Bible Society of South Africa

40 DAYS – Time with God – Day 10

In God’s Image

by Pat Baxter

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

UGenesise 1

24UNkulunkulu wathi: “Umhlaba mawuveze izilwane eziphilayo ngezinhlobo zazo, izinkomo, nezilwanyana ezinwabuzelayo, nezilo zomhlaba ngezinhlobo zazo,” kwaba njalo. 25UNkulunkulu wazenza izilo zomhlaba ngezinhlobo zazo, nezinkomo ngezinhlobo zazo, nezilwanyana zonke ezinwabuzelayo emhlabeni ngezinhlobo zazo. UNkulunkulu wabona ukuthi kuhle. 26UNkulunkulu wathi: “Masenze abantu ngomfanekiso wethu, basifuze, babuse phezu kwezinhlanzi zolwandle, nezinyoni zezulu, nezinkomo, nomhlaba wonke, nezilwanyana zonke ezinwabuzelayo emhlabeni.”

27UNkulunkulu wamdala umuntu ngomfanekiso wakhe; wamdala ngomfanekiso kaNkulunkulu; wabadala owesilisa nowesifazane.

UGenesise 1:24-27ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

Some years back, my Korean friend’s four-and-a-half year-old daughter, Tjaehe, sat on my knee and asked me to draw a picture of God. I was taken aback. ‘Draw God … where do I start?’ I turned the question back to Tjaehe. I asked her to remember all the stories of God that she has heard and then tell me what she imagines God to look like. She thought for a while and then drew her mother and father sitting down with her on their knees and she was holding her baby brother in her arms. She captured the essence of God; a God whose knee she could climb on and ask questions; a God who  would comfort her and explain things that puzzle her.

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