40 DAYS – Time with God – Day 8

An Injury to One is an Injury to All
by Mike Muller
Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli
1 kwabaseKorinte 12
It is clear that the Gospel calls God’s people to live in ways that reflect what it means to be a tight-knit family. The best way Paul could communicate this was through the metaphor of how our bodies work at a most basic level. Everyone knows that when one part of our body is in pain, the rest of our body finds it difficult to carry on running smoothly. Similarly, we simply cannot ignore ‘broken’ or ‘sick’ parts of the Body of Christ and proceed as though all is well.
If one part suffers, every part suffers with it. How to mend the unhappy part will be determined by a good, biblical diagnosis.
God’s Spirit calls the Church to seek truth and justice, and to graciously care for the poor in its midst – guided in love, compassion and mercy by scripture, as we share a common faith.