Bible Society of South Africa

A Good God – Day 28

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

Ihubo 145

8UJehova unesihe nobumnene;

uyephuza ukuthukuthela,

mkhulu ngomusa.

9UJehova muhle kubo bonke;

uyayihawukela imisebenzi yakhe yonke.

10Yonke imisebenzi yakho iyakukudumisa,

abangcwele bakho bakubonge.

11Ngenkazimulo yombuso wakho bayakukhuluma,

bashumayele ngamandla akho

12ukuba babazise abantwana babantu izenzo zakho zamandla

nenkazimulo yobukhosi bombuso wakho.

13Umbuso wakho ungumbuso kuze kube phakade;

ubukhosi bakho busezizukulwaneni ngezizukulwane.

Ihubo 145:8-13ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

These readings declare the uniqueness of God, worshipping God for the beauty and wonder of his character.

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