Bible Society of South Africa

A Triumphant King – Day 106

A series of readings on the Easter story, exploring the reality and wonder of Jesus' death and resurrection.

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

1 kwabaseKorinte 15

3Ngokuba okokuqala nganinika lokho engakwamukela nami ukuthi uKristu wafa ngenxa yezono zethu njengokwemibhalo, 4nokuthi wembelwa, nokuthi wavuswa kwabafileyo ngosuku lwesithathu njengokwemibhalo, 5nokuthi wabonwa nguKhefase; wayesebonwa ngabayishumi nambili; 6emva kwalokho wabonwa ngasikhathi sinye ngabazalwane abadlula amakhulu ayisihlanu, iningi labo lisekhona nakalokhu, kepha abanye sebelele;

1 kwabaseKorinte 15:3-6ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli
Bible Society of South Africav.4.28.1