Bible Society of South Africa

Power in Weakness – Day 180

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

Ihubo 46

INkosi yethu iyinqaba

Kumholi wokuhlabelela. Elamadodana kaKora. Nge-Alamoti.* Igama.

1UNkulunkulu uyisiphephelo sethu namandla ethu;

ufunyaniswa elusizo impela ekuhluphekeni.

2Ngakho-ke asiyikwesaba

nokuba kuguquka umhlaba,

nezintaba zidilikela ekujuleni kolwandle,

3nokuba amanzi alo ehlokoma,


nezintaba zizamazama ngokukhukhumala kwalo. Sela*

Ihubo 46:1-3ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

God’s people frequently encounter circumstances that make them feel weak and restless: these meditations draw us to God, who graciously pours out his strength and peace into our lives.

Bible Society of South Africav.4.28.1