Bible Society of South Africa
Xanthe Galanis

Come to Me – Day 19

Hear the word of the Lord

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

U-Isaya 66

2Zonke lezi zinto zenziwe yisandla sami,

kwavela kanjalo konke lokhu,” usho uJehova.

“Kepha yilowo engiyakubheka kuye:

ohluphekayo nonomoya ochobozekileyo,

othuthumela ngezwi lami.

3Ohlaba inkunzi ebulala nomuntu,

nohlaba iwundlu eyaphula nentamo yenja,

nonikela ngomnikelo wempuphu,

kepha enikela nangegazi lezingulube,

noshisa inhlaka, ebonga nesithombe,

yebo, laba bakhethile izindlela zabo,

nemiphefumulo yabo iyathokoza ngezinengiso zabo.

U-Isaya 66:2-3ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

U-Isaya 66

18“Ngiyazi imisebenzi yabo nemicabango yabo; ngiyeza ukubutha zonke izizwe nezilimi, zifike, zibone inkazimulo yami.

19“Ngiyakubeka isibonakaliso phakathi kwazo, ngithume ababalekileyo babo kwabezizwe, eTharishishi, nasePhuli, naseLudi, abagoba umnsalo, nakuThubali naseJavani, eziqhingini ezikude, ezingezwanga umbiko ngami, zingabonanga inkazimulo yami, baze balande ngenkazimulo yami ezizweni. 20Bayakuletha bonke abafowenu bebakhipha ezizweni zonke ngamahhashi, nangezinqola, nangezinhlaka, nangeminyuzi,* nangamakamela, babe ngumnikelo kaJehova, beze entabeni yami engcwele eJerusalema,” usho uJehova, “njengalokhu abantwana bakwa-Israyeli bewuletha umnikelo wabo ngesitsha esihlambulukileyo endlini kaJehova. 21Nakubona ngiyakuthatha abapristi namaLevi,” usho uJehova.

22“Ngokuba njengokuba izulu elisha nomhlaba omusha engiyakukwenza kuyakuma phambi kwami,” usho uJehova, “kanjalo kuyakuma inzalo yakho negama lakho. 23Kusukela ekwethwaseni kwenyanga kuye kwenye, kusukela kwelinye isabatha kuye kwelinye yonke inyama iyakufika ukukhuleka phambi kwami,” usho uJehova. 24“Bayakuphuma, babone izidumbu zabantu abaphambukile kimi, ngokuba impethu yabo ayiyikufa nomlilo wabo awuyikucima, babe yisinengiso kuyo yonke inyama.”

U-Isaya 66:18-24ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

Isaiah ends with a picture of God’s final judgement and the reward of the righteous in the earth made new. God’s glory will be proclaimed to all nations and people from all nations will come to him and worship. A new heaven and a new earth are revealed. What a marvellous conclusion to this beautiful word declared through Isaiah!

However, although Isaiah 66 ends on a note of apocalyptic decisiveness and hope (66:18-24), the beginning of the chapter provides one more warning: “This is the one I esteem,” God says, “he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word” (66:2). A few verses later, Isaiah directly addresses the faithful as “you who tremble at his word” (66:5). They are contrasted with those who do not answer or listen when the Lord calls and speaks (66:4). These key verses summarise Isaiah’s message – the opposite of sin is not religion, but humble obedience.

In every generation, what ultimately distinguishes the true from the false, among God’s people, is not those who put on the best show of being a Christian, it is those who remain faithful to the word of God.

Do you tremble at God’s word? Do you take God’s words seriously or do you expect God to conform to your own wishes, desires and expectations? Do you accept those parts of the Bible that you agree with and reject those that you consider inconvenient or wrong? If God’s word conflicts with your culture, which do you follow?

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