Bible Society of South Africa
Xanthe Hancox

Fruit of the Spirit – Day 2

Chosen to serve

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

NgokukaMathewu 12

18“Bheka, inceku yami engiyikhethileyo,

othandiweyo wami othokoza ngaye umphefumulo wami,

ngiyakuzisa uMoya wami phezu kwakhe,

amemezele ukwahlulela kubo abezizwe.

NgokukaMathewu 12:18ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

In today’s verse, it is clear that Jesus was living out a specific mission on earth – he was God’s chosen servant. It is a remarkable thing to be chosen by God. God’s choosing is not like our choosing. We are given options. God is not given options; he makes options. He did not ask Jewish candidates to apply for the position of Messiah and choose Mary’s son. He had begotten from all eternity the only One who could bring hope to a lost world. Christ came into the world as the eternally chosen One. Powerfully, at his baptism and again at his transfiguration, Jesus is declared by God to be his Son, whom he loves. Once again, we are reminded that Jesus is chosen by God to be his servant whom he loves and who brings him pleasure.

It is also clear the Jesus came to earth to do the Father’s will. In addition, his ministry is carried out by the power of the Holy Spirit and his purpose is to share God’s love, mercy and justice. In much the same way, we are called, chosen and empowered by God through his Holy Spirit. He lives in us and our goal is to bring God pleasure and to do his will. We are not chosen for our own benefit or to fulfil our own selfish ambitions, we are chosen to serve God. Today and every day, make it your life’s goal to live by the power of his Spirit and make it your aim to please God, and share his grace with others.

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