Fruit of the Spirit – Day 22

Fruit of the Spirit 7: Gentleness
Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli
KwabaseGalathiya 5
1 kaPetru 3
Coco Chanel is quoted as saying, “gentleness doesn’t get work done unless you happen to be a hen laying eggs.” In a world that celebrates power and strength, it is easy to think of gentleness as a weakness, something we would be better off without. It even seems a little strange that Peter would choose the word gentleness to describe our witness to others. He could have used words like boldness, truthfulness, integrity or wisdom. But gentleness?
Coco Chanel might have been an authority on style, but she was wrong about gentleness. Gentleness does not mean being weak or fearful, and it certainly does not mean you will never achieve anything. The gentleness that comes from the Holy Spirit is about the way we treat others. Far from being a weakness, gentleness is power and strength under control that allows us to be patient and tolerant of others. To be gentle is to be even-tempered and balanced in spirit. A gentle person is not critical or judgemental, but forgives and brings peace.
Peter says we are to have this kind of attitude when we discuss our faith with others. We are not good ambassadors for Christ if we are argumentative and belittle others’ views. Gentleness does not mean never disagreeing or not standing up for what we believe in, it means being reasonable and even-tempered in our disagreements, gently showing others where we differ. Our arguments do not change people, Jesus changes people. You can live with passion and fire, and still be gentle, achieving great things for God.