Fruit of the Spirit – Day 9

Serving in faith
Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli
UGenesise 24
U-Isaka uganwa nguRebeka
UGenesise 24
Abraham does not give his servant an easy task. He is asking his servant to travel hundreds of kilometres to his homeland and bring back a wife for his son, Isaac. There are strict conditions to Abraham’s request as well: the woman must not be a Canaanite but a relative; and Isaac must not go with the servant to Abraham’s country. Abraham even makes his servant swear an oath concerning the matter. The servant did not question Abraham or try to talk him out of it – after all, what father would let his daughter disappear across the desert with one complete stranger, to marry another?
Nevertheless, this servant, who is unnamed in this passage, accepts his quest with grace and humility. It was a seemingly impossible task with no evident solution, but he trusted God throughout. Before he even started looking for a wife for Isaac, he prayed for guidance. And more than that, he prayed for the right kind of wife for Isaac. The servant prayed for a woman willing not only to draw water for him, but also willing to water his numerous camels. He was looking for a woman with a servant’s heart, a woman willing to go above and beyond what was expected of her. He found this woman in Rebekah.
The story continues with Abraham’s servant thanking the Lord for his kindness and faithfulness to Abraham (Genesis 24:26-27), and Rebekah willingly abandoning her comfortable, familiar life to live in a new country with a new family. What faithfulness! What humility! What hearts for the Lord! And what love for others these two possessed!