God of love, hope, grace and peace

You are a saint!
You are the image of God
Closer to God
Praise the Name of the Lord
Be still
Everything has its time (i)
Everything has its time (ii)
Who is God? (i)
Who is God? (ii)
Who is God? (iii)
Christ the bread of life
Christ our example
Christ the vine
Christ the good shepherd
Christ the light
Await the celebration (i)
Await the celebration (ii)
Jesus the Saviour
The anticipation of Christ’s return
This 21-day reading plan talks about how we, as Christians, are representatives, image-bearers and reflectors of God’s love, hope, grace and peace in this world. It further speaks about God’s great love for his children and how he wants to be involved in our lives daily. He invites us to bring our concerns and burdens to him. Enjoy your Bible reading journey!
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