Bible Society of South Africa
Benescke Janse van Rensburg

New hope (Part 2) – Day 2

New hope ... with better relationships

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

IzAga 3

5Themba kuJehova ngayo yonke inhliziyo yakho,

ungenciki kokwakho ukuqonda.

6Mazise yena ezindleleni zakho zonke,

uyakuqondisa imikhondo yakho.

IzAga 3:5-6ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

1 kaPetru 3

Ukuphathana kwabaganeneyo

1Kanjalo, bafazi, thobelani amadoda enu, ukuze kuthi, uma ekhona ongakholwa yizwi, azuzwe ngaphandle kwezwi ngenkambo yabafazi bawo, 2ebona inkambo yenu emhlophe esekwesabeni.

1 kaPetru 3:1-2ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

U-Isaya 1

18“Wozani-ke, sithethe indaba,”

usho uJehova;

“noma izono zenu zibomvu kakhulu,

ziyakuba mhlophe njengeqhwa;

noma zibomvu njengokububende,

ziyakuba njengoboya bezimvu.

U-Isaya 1:18ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

1 kwabaseKorinte 13

Ukudunyiswa kothando

1Noma ngikhuluma ngezilimi zabantu nezezingelosi, kepha ngingenalo uthando, ngiyithusi elikhencezayo nensimbi encencethayo. 2Noma nginokuprofetha, ngiqonda izimfihlakalo zonke nokwazi konke, noma nginokukholwa konke ngangokuba ngingagudluza izintaba, kepha ngingenalo uthando, angiyinto yalutho. 3Noma ngabela abampofu konke enginakho, noma nginikela umzimba wami ukuba ushiswe, kepha ngingenalo uthando, akungisizi ngalutho.

4Uthando luyabekezela, uthando lumnene, alunamhawu, uthando aluzigabisi, aluzikhukhumezi; 5aluziphathi ngokungafanele, aluzifuneli okwalo, alucunuki, alunagqubu; 6aluthokozi ngokungalungile, kepha luthokozela iqiniso; 7lubekezelela izinto zonke, lukholwa yizinto zonke, luthemba izinto zonke, lukhuthazelela izinto zonke.

8Uthando alusoze lwaphela; kepha nokuba kukhona ukuprofetha, kuyakukhawuka; nokuba kuyizilimi, ziyakunqamuka; nokuba kungukwazi, kuyakukhawuka. 9Ngokuba sazi inxenye, siprofetha inxenye. 10Kepha nxa sekufikile okupheleleyo, lokho okuyinxenye kuyakukhawuka. 11Lapho ngisengumntwana, ngakhulumisa okomntwana, ngaqondisa okomntwana, ngazindlisa okomntwana; kuthe sengiyindoda, ngayeka okobuntwana. 12Ngokuba manje sibona esibukweni kalufifi; kepha lapho sobukana ubuso nobuso; manje ngazi inxenye, kepha lapho, ngiyakwazi ngokuphelele, njengokuba kade ngaziwa ngokuphelele. 13Manje-ke kumi ukukholwa, nokwethemba, nothando, lokho kokuthathu; kepha okukhulu kulokho luthando.

1 kwabaseKorinte 13ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

February is known as the month of love. The dynamics of relationships (whether romantic or with your child, colleague or mother-in-law), however, can at times be troublesome. Today, I’m answering some readers’ questions on this topic:
QUESTION 1: “I am already 40 years old. Can I still hope to get a spouse?”

With God, there is no expiration date to finding the right spouse. Abraham’s son, Isaac, was also 40 years old when he married Rebecca (Genesis 24 and 25). Because a marriage takes work and God wants to make it easier for you, he will sometimes prepare your character first before sending you the right partner.

In Proverbs 3:5-6 we read: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. If you walk with God and acknowledge him in your decision for a spouse, you can be sure that he will direct your steps.
Also, if you still have baggage from the past causing a blockage in your life, ask God to help you to work through it. You never know, this might just be the year in which he surprises you with that partner you have been dreaming of.

QUESTION 2: “What if I am married to an unbeliever?”
Have you ever seen an unbeliever come to salvation by you constantly nagging him or her? I have not. What I have seen, is how God can supernaturally change lives the moment we start praying for those loved ones who do not yet know God. (This also applies to praying for rebellious children, grumpy colleagues or family members who do not know God.)

In 1 Peter 3:1-2 we read: Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behaviour of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives.
Instead of criticising and fighting, rather start praying that God will do the work through his Spirit and focus on demonstrating God’s love through your actions. That might just make the world’s difference.

QUESTION 3: “Can a divorced person hope for a second chance of happiness in life?”
In Isaiah 1:18 we read: “Come now; let us settle the matter,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” If God gave a murderer and a prostitute a second chance of happiness in life, who are we to say that he will not also give a second chance to someone whose first marriage did not work out?

QUESTION 4: “Is there practical advice to better relationships?”
My guidelines come from 1 Corinthians 13.

  1. 1.Love is patient: Are you, at all times, patient with your spouse, your children and your colleagues or do you become irritated quickly?
    2. Love is kind: Are you friendly even if you have all the reason in the world to become grumpy?
    3. Love is not envious: Do you celebrate others’ success or do you become jealous?
    4. Love does not demand its own way: Are you the most important person in your life or can you put others’ needs before your own?
    5. Love is not easily angered: Do you get angry and annoyed at every little thing or can you maintain perspective and not make a big thing out of a small mistake?
    6. Love keeps no record of wrongs: Do you forget quickly or do you remind others, regularly, of their past mistakes?
    7. Love never gives up, never loses faith and endures through every circumstance: Do you cover others’ mistakes and push through difficult times or do you give up in the process?

Effective relationships begin when we aspire to become the spouse, friend or colleague that we wish to have in our lives. Instead of criticising, rather seek opportunities to compliment and build other people up. You may be amazed at how it not only strengthens your relationships, but also causes other people to want to spend more time with you. God bless.

Bible Society of South Africav.4.28.1