Bible Society of South Africa
Hennie Symington

Prayer – Day 2

Face to face with God

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

U-Eksodusi 33

17UJehova wathi kuMose: “Ngiyakwenza nalokho okushiloyo, ngokuba ufumene umusa emehlweni ami; ngiyakwazi ngegama.”

U-Eksodusi 33:17ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

In the earliest times, God spoke to most prophets in dreams and visions; yet God says of his faithful servant, Moses: “I speak with him face to face, even plainly, and not in dark sayings; and he sees the form of the LORD” (Numbers 12:8).

What can we learn from how Moses prayed? Let’s list a few simple and obvious characteristics of his recorded prayer life:

  • Moses prayed as he spoke. He did not use a special prayer language.
  • Moses changed his prayer style to suit the prayer. Sometimes he seemed to be standing, sometimes kneeling; sometimes he lay prostrated with his face to the ground.
  • Moses prayed anytime and anywhere.
  • Moses prayed about big and small issues.
  • Moses was humble and respectful in prayer.
  • When problems arose beyond his expertise, he delegated it to God in prayer immediately. He did not try to solve things himself and make matters worse or go against God’s sovereign will.
  • Moses submitted to the will of God, but was prepared to “negotiate” — up to a point.
  • Moses kept his eyes, ears and mind open and attentive to hear from God.
  • Moses did not go to God with a shopping list of prayers. He went to God as and when relevant issues arose.
  • God knew Moses by name as he had found grace in the sight of God. Now that is something to aspire to in life!

What a wonderful witness from a man who more than any other character in the Bible came so near to understand the heart of God.

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