Bible Society of South Africa
Gerhard Lindeque

Seven days of inspiration from Revelation - Day 2

Grace and peace to you!

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

IsAmbulo 1

UJohane uyabingelela amabandla ayisikhombisa

4UJohane kuwo amabandla ayisikhombisa ase-Asiya: Makube kini umusa nokuthula okuvela kuye okhona nowayekhona nozayo, nakoMoya abayisikhombisa abaphambi kwesihlalo sakhe sobukhosi, 5nakuJesu Kristu ufakazi othembekayo, izibulo labafileyo nombusi wamakhosi omhlaba. Kuye osithandayo nowasikhululayo ezonweni zethu ngegazi lakhe 6nowasenza sibe ngumbuso nabapristi kuNkulunkulu uYise, kuye makube yinkazimulo namandla kuze kube phakade naphakade. Amen. 7Bhekani, uyeza namafu, namehlo onke ayakumbona, nabo abamgwazayo, nezizwe zonke zomhlaba ziyakulila ngaye. Yebo, Amen.

8“Mina ngingu-Alfa no-Omega,” kusho iNkosi uNkulunkulu, “okhona nowayekhona nozayo, uMninimandla onke.”

IsAmbulo 1:4-8ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

The seven congregations represent the church of all times and places. The number seven indicates that this is God’s church. God also speaks to his church today – to you and I. Unlike what earthly kings would do to their subjects, God greets his church with words of grace and peace. We do not need to be afraid of God’s presence, even though God is almighty and eternal.

The seven spirits before God’s throne is another way of talking about God’s Spirit, or the Holy Spirit as we know it. Then, the spotlight falls on Jesus Christ. He came to show us how God really is. Therefore, Jesus is the credible witness. Through his resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ showed that God has more power and rules over the kings of the earth.

This is a great comfort for believers of all times, who sometimes live under difficult political circumstances. However, through our faith in Jesus Christ, we have a special responsibility. God’s kingdom must become a reality through the way we live. Unlike the priests in the Old Testament, ordinary believers now have direct access to God.

As clouds are often related to God’s presence in the Bible, Jesus Christ’s coming on the clouds, here, indicates God’s presence with his church. Every time we look up and see the clouds, we are assured that God is with us. However, those who do not see Jesus Christ in this way, will experience remorse. God is always present and that is why he is called the Alpha and Omega.

Think about:

  1. 1.How do we experience God’s presence?
  2. 2.How can we make God’s presence more visible?

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