Bible Society of South Africa
Xanthe Hancox

The role of trees in the Bible – Day 9

The cedar tree (Part 2) — grow upwards, outwards and downwards

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

UHezekeli 31

1Kwathi ngomnyaka weshumi nanye ngenyanga yesithathu ngolokuqala lwenyanga lafika kimi izwi likaJehova, lathi: 2“Ndodana yomuntu, thana kuFaro inkosi yaseGibithe nasesixukwini sakhe:

“ ‘Ufana nobani ebukhulwini bakho na?

3Bheka, ungumkhoba,

ungumsedari* waseLebanoni;

unamagatsha amahle,

namaqabunga anomthunzi,

nesiqu esiphakemeyo;

isihloko sawo siphakathi kwamafu.

4Amanzi awukhulisa,

utwa lwawuphakamisa;

imifula yawo yahamba yazungeza indawo yokutshalwa kwawo;

yayisithuma imisele yayo kuyo yonke imithi yasendle.

5Ngalokho isiqu sawo sasiphakeme kunayo yonke imithi yasendle;

izingatsha zawo zandiswa,

namagatsha awo elulwa

ngamanzi amaningi ekuwaxhantiseni kwawo.

6Zonke izinyoni zezulu zakha emagatsheni awo,

zonke izilwane zasendle zazalela phansi kwezingatsha zawo;

emthunzini wawo zahlala zonke izizwe ezinkulu.

7Wawusumuhle ebukhulwini bawo,

ngobude bamagatsha awo,

ngokuba impande yawo yayingasemanzini amaningi.

UHezekeli 31:1-7ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

Yesterday we spoke a bit about the value of the cedar tree. In today’s passage there are three things worth noting about the way the cedar tree grows.

They grow downward. Cedars send their taproots deep, seeking hidden springs and wrapping around rocks for anchorage. According to Numbers 24:6, Israel itself is strong and happy like cedar trees beside the waters. Paul urged the Ephesians to be rooted and grounded in love and in Colossians 2:6-7 we read: “As therefore you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so live in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith.”

They grow upward. Cedar trees have been known to reach heights of over 40 metres! As Christians, we walk on the earth, but our heads should be above the clouds, focused on Christ. As the American poet and novelist J.G. Holland once said, “God, give us men, tall, sun-crowned, who live above the fog.”

Cedars grow outward. The branches of the cedar tree grow out horizontally and become very wide-spreading. Stretching out as they do, these branches provide shade and shelter from the elements. Should not our lives also reach out like branches to touch the needs of others?

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