Bible Society of South Africa

God is still worthy of our praise – 4 December 2020

By Benescke Janse van Rensburg

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

KumaHeberu 13

15Masinikele njalonjalo kuNkulunkulu ngaye umhlatshelo wokubonga, okungukuthi isithelo sezindebe ezivuma igama lakhe.

KumaHeberu 13:15ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

What do you do when things get really tough? Do you complain or do you praise God?

In a recent interview on an American talk show, well-known gospel singer Cece Winans testified that praise and worship changed their lives as a family during a season of great loss:

CECE: “I remember the day in the hospital next to my second eldest brother, Ronald’s (40) bed. The moment he took his last breath, we were all there. Instead of collapsing and crying, my father raised his hands in that moment and began to praise and worship God. For me it was a shock. How do you praise God in the midst of such hurt and loss? My father however continued to praise God for who He is, for Ronald’s life and also for the years we had him as part of the family. Looking back I realize what major turning point this was for me. Something inside all of us shifted that day. Instead of focusing on our loss, we turned our eyes back to God, reminding ourselves that He is worthy to be praised. Even though I know that my parents still miss Ronald, I have never seen them depressed. He healed and protected them (and all of us). God is truly still worthy of being praised.”

A “sacrifice of praise” to God is when we choose to praise and worship God in the midst of our hurt, disillusionment or disappointment. This action becomes a demonstration that we believe that He is still in control of our lives and future. In Hebrews 13:15 we read, “Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name.”

Is it easy? Definitely not. But it is always worth it.

What pain, disappointment or disillusionment is standing before you like a giant? Let us, like Cece’s father, choose to raise our hands and remind ourselves that God is still worthy to be praised. We may not be able to change our circumstances, but we can trust Him because He knows the future. God bless.

Prayer: Father God, thank You that I can praise and worship You in every situation, because You are worthy to be praised. Thank You for Your love and grace and presence in every season. Help me today to look past my hurt and disappointments and focus on You. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

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