Bible Society of South Africa

God’s goodness redeems us – 8 July 2020

By Louise Gevers

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

Ihubo 107

Amahubo 107 – 150

Ukubonga iNkosi kwabakhululekileyo bakwa-Israyeli

1Bongani uJehova, ngokuba muhle,

ngokuba umusa wakhe umi phakade.

2Mabasho njalo abahlengiweyo bakaJehova,

abahlengileyo esandleni sesitha;

3wababutha emazweni,

empumalanga nasentshonalanga,

enyakatho naselwandle.

Ihubo 107:1-3ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

Redeemed people always have a story to tell of how amazingly God has used trials and hardships in their lives to transform them, restoring their hearts and renewing their minds. Although nobody welcomes difficult times, it is often through these that we become more aware of God’s presence with us, and our faith grows exponentially as we trust Him through each trial we face.

When Moses brought the Israelites out from captivity in Egypt, God led them into a desert experience to capture their attention and develop His relationship with them as their God. God was with the Israelites throughout, visible as a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night (Exodus 13:21) providing them with light, meat and bread in the desert, and making bitter water drinkable and sweet. (Exodus 15:25) In later years they were exiled, but each time the faithful came home again rejoicing in His goodness, stronger and more resilient through the trials. He does no less for His people today.

Being in lockdown is not always easy, even in our own homes. We may feel that we have been in the desert lately, exiled from ‘normal life’ because of our restricted freedom of movement and daily activities, which disturbs our sense of wellbeing. Yet we have discovered in ‘captivity’ that God, who is never in lockdown, is with us and restores us, and frees our spirits and minds – even when we don’t know what each new endless day holds.

God saved His people from their enemies countless times, and brought them safely home; but His power restores us too, not just the Israelites of old. When we thank Him and celebrate His goodness to us, we also have a story to tell that will bless others; His goodness is fundamental to life. Our hope rises and our sense of wellbeing flourishes when we approach each dark situation holding to the truth: “He is good, and His love will never change. He will love us forever”.

This psalm reminds us that, wherever we are, God is. He reigns supreme. He can deliver us from the enemy whether we are in a desert, in a prison of our own making, in rebellion, in real or spiritual storms, in poverty, oppression, or in sorrow. Is this our experience?

Let us thank Him!

Prayer: Father God, in dark times, the light of Your goodness and everlasting love illuminates our lives, enabling change, comfort and redemption. Thank You again and again. Amen

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