Bible Society of South Africa

Dress for the occasion – 7 March 2022

By Xanthe Hancox

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

NgokukaLuka 12

Inceku ethembekileyo

35“Izinkalo zenu mazibe ziboshiwe, nezibani zivutha. 36Nani yibani njengabantu ababheke inkosi yabo ibuya emshadweni ukuba, nxa ifika ingqongqotha, bayivulele masinyane. 37Zibusisiwe lezo zinceku okuyakuthi inkosi, nxa ifika, izifumane zilindile; ngiqinisile ngithi kini: Iyakuzibopha ukhalo, izihlalise ekudleni, ize izikhonze.

NgokukaLuka 12:35-37ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

A master comes home late from a wedding banquet. Instead of just slumping off to bed or ordering his servants to make him a late-night snack, this master changes into work clothes and waits on his servants.

What a strange parable! I imagine that the people who stood around Jesus listening to it were utterly perplexed. An aristocrat keeping the water goblets full while his servants feasted? Impossible.

It has become less strange to us because we recognize Jesus as this master. When Jesus was born, he dressed himself to serve, so to speak. Jesus demonstrated this again when he wrapped himself with a towel and washed his disciples’ feet (see John 13). And when his disciples wondered who was greatest, Jesus emphasized that he came to be among us as one who serves (Luke 22:27).

Central to the kingdom of God is the character of the king. When we grasp the servant heart of God, it is impossible not to be overwhelmed with the grace of God. Jesus indicates that we honour him best when we dress down and serve others

Prayer: Lord God, we are used to getting our way, and we love to be served. Humble us, that we may look to the interests of others, not just our own, and so honour you. Amen

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