Bible Society of South Africa

God’s eternal gift – his love – 31 October 2022

By Ewald Schmidt

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

KwabaseRoma 8

38Ngiyakholwa ukuthi nakufa, nakuphila, nazingelosi, nababusi, nakho okukhona, nakho okuzayo, namandla, 39nakuphakama, nakujula, nanto enye edaliweyo akuyikuba namandla okusahlukanisa nothando lukaNkulunkulu olukuKristu Jesu iNkosi yethu.

KwabaseRoma 8:38-39ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

Paul reminded us in 1 Corinthians 13:13 that God has given us three beautiful gifts that will carry us through all the storms of life. They are faith, hope and love. And of these three, love is the greatest.

In Romans 8, we have explored the journey of faith that God is guiding us on through his Spirit. It began with his forgiveness; we are no longer under his judgement when we are “in Christ”. He has paid the highest price for us, sending his Son in our image to redeem us on the cross. He has blessed believers by giving us his Spirit, making us his children, restoring the relationship with him. The Holy Spirit transforms our lives; we are no longer guided by the desires of our sinful nature, but led by the Spirit. He strengthens us when we go through difficult times. Even when we endure suffering, we are more than conquerors through the love of Christ.

This beautiful chapter concludes with the message: God’s love for his child endures forever! Love is the language of heaven, 1 Corinthians 13 has taught us this. God is love, 1 John 4:16 said. We were created as the image of God; we were made to love forever.

Paul reminds the conquerors in Christ that nothing can take God’s love away from us, ever again. Love transcends death, it lasts forever. Love is greater than life, for Christ has laid down his life for us. We will do the same for someone we love dearly. No mighty angel or evil demon has the power to take God’s love away from us; nothing in the supernatural realm can block it. There is nothing in the natural world that can stop God loving us – no ecological or economic crisis, world leader or fuel price. There is nothing in the world that can do it, nor in the future. Nothing can separate us from God’s love.

Love is much higher than any height, much deeper than any depth that we can measure. There is nothing in God’s creation that is able to hinder God’s love from reaching us. I live in relationship with him, I travel my journey of life in his company and he will love me forever. His love is the foundation for my life and it carries me through any storm that life may throw my way. Love leads me to my Father’s house, where I will live with him forever.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for this beautiful chapter in the Bible. Thank you for every believer that has explored Romans 8 with me this month. You know every one of them, you know their greatest joy and you feel their deepest need. Thank you that nothing in this world, now or in future, can separate your child from your love. Nothing can block your blessing and your desire to help your children conquer every challenge that we may meet along the way. Thank you for always being present in our lives, for leading and protecting us, and guiding us home. Amen

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