Bible Society of South Africa

Grace: It’s enough - 8 October 2024

By Charlea Grey

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

2 kwabaseKorinte 12

9Yathi kimi: “Umusa wami ukwanele; ngokuba amandla ami apheleliswa ebuthakathakeni.” Ngakho kunalokho ngijabulela ukuzibonga ngobuthakathaka bami, ukuze amandla kaKristu ahlale phezu kwami.

2 kwabaseKorinte 12:9ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

I have experienced a lot of grace in my life. I have also often seen God’s gracious hand at work in the lives of others.

2 Corinthians 12:9 has always held a special place in my heart, especially these six words from the King James translation: “My grace is sufficient for thee.”

God’s grace is enough. It is enough, no matter what. It is enough even when you’re in the darkest, deepest maze. It is enough because it is still there, even when you sometimes feel far from God.

If you take a close look at your life’s journey – truly reflect on the twists and turns that have brought you to this point – I believe you will quickly realise that a great deal of grace was woven into it. Sometimes, we just need to take a moment to think about it.

And I believe, if you reflect deeply, you will also realise that God’s grace has indeed been enough – each time, exactly what was needed.

So why do we still doubt it?

We serve a gracious God who knows each one of us completely. He knows what we need and there is enough grace for everyone. In fact, God’s grace is often all we need. We must not forget that.

Prayer: Father, thank you that your grace is enough for me every day of my life. Amen

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