Bible Society of South Africa

Land flowing with milk and honey - 5 March 2024

By Imogen Campbell

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

U-Eksodusi 3

17Ngishilo ngathi: Ngiyakunikhuphula ekuhluphekeni kwaseGibithe, nginiyise ezweni lamaKhanani, nelamaHeti, nelama-Amori, nelamaPherizi, nelamaHivi, nelamaJebusi, izwe elichichima ubisi nezinyosi.’

U-Eksodusi 3:17ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

My very first attempts to read through the Bible were torpedoed somewhere in Genesis. Yes, fairly at the beginning. Years later, however, I studied the Bible with friends and understood the basics. Soon, I was ready to make the good confession (Romans 10:9) that I, too, wanted to make Jesus Lord of my life.

The joy of learning about and trying to understand the Word of God soon meant that the people of God, Israel and the customs of that time piqued my curiosity. And so a quest began to understand those very things.

Slowly but surely, a fascination developed for the land of Israel. During the pandemic, I stumbled upon a preacher who had visited the land numerous times. The quality of his teaching, wisdom, etc. based on his extensive knowledge of the land and its people had me in awe.

Enthralled, it literally opened a new world to me. Someday, I hope to visit it for myself. In the meantime, YouTubers Sergio & Rhoda in Israel, provide archaeological and biblical insight into Israel. It has vicariously allowed me to explore the lay of the land where Jesus Christ chose to reveal himself and the plans of God to the world.

What a place it is: home to some unique terrain like the Dead Sea, the lowest point in the world, while the Red Canyon seems otherworldly, reminiscent of what we are told Mars looks like. The incredible fortress at Masada is a citadel to behold. Living, breathing history.

Considering that the Negev Desert sprawls out occupying more than half of Israel’s land, it came as a surprise to hear that they export tons of flowers as well as different types of tropical fruit and much more besides.

For context, South Africa is at least 56 times larger than Israel. Despite Israel’s relatively small size and even though it is a semi-arid country, it certainly punches above its weight in wealth and prosperity. Rightly so, we praise God that the land he described as one flowing with milk and honey is, indeed, exactly that to this day.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for honouring every single word that has been written, and preserving for us the history that immensely strengthens the tenets of our faith. We are so grateful. Amen

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