Bible Society of South Africa
Louise Gevers

Who is God? – Day 1

Who is God?

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

UGenesise 1


1Ekuqaleni uNkulunkulu wadala izulu nomhlaba.

UGenesise 1:1ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

I love birthdays. Whether it is the celebration of the miracle of life on the day that a little one is born to the earth, or the celebration of that day in a person’s life seventy years later, it is always a time of joy and celebration, and even relative strangers will join in sharing the happiness. Life is precious and a unique gift to each individual.

Do we ever think of the day that the earth was born, when life in its many forms came into being? Or that of the heavens? What a celebration! Don’t we take for granted the things that we have seen in our world from the beginning of our lives — things which we seldom question? Often, it’s these that give rhythm to life on earth: day following night, winter becoming spring, and they provide stability. Although we may complain that summer is late in coming this year, or that it’s a very cold winter, perhaps we hardly ever contemplate who is behind them and the wonder that these things happen at all!

We just know that we benefit from brilliant blue skies and warm sunlight. We delight in the butterflies that perch daintily on exquisite blossoms; in the droning of bees around lavender bushes. We love to watch birds as they eagerly hop around in search of worms, twittering cheerily. We gasp as we feel the crisp air on our faces as we gaze enthralled at the splendour of majestic mountains towering above us; we are mesmerized by the rhythmic crashing of the waves on the shore with the translucent water glittering and foaming around the rocks. Only a tiny sample of things created which inspire us!

In the very first sentence of the Bible, we are struck by the incredible simplicity of the words that the writer uses in speaking of that momentous birthday in history, when all this was born! We recognise that he speaks matter-of-factly because he knows the One who held all inspiration, wisdom, knowledge and power to bring the world in its awe-inspiring splendour into being. Do you know Him?

Who is God?

Bible Society of South Africav.4.27.6