Bible Society of South Africa

Easter: Resurrection of the Lord


A Prayer of Thanks for Victory

1Give thanks to the LORD, because he is good,

and his love is eternal.

2Let the people of Israel say,

“His love is eternal.”

Psalms 118:1-2GNBOpen in Bible reader

14The LORD makes me powerful and strong;

he has saved me.

15Listen to the glad shouts of victory in the tents of God's people:

“The LORD's mighty power has done it!

16His power has brought us victory —

his mighty power in battle!”

17I will not die; instead, I will live

and proclaim what the LORD has done.

18He has punished me severely,

but he has not let me die.

19Open to me the gates of the Temple;

I will go in and give thanks to the LORD!

20This is the gate of the LORD;

only the righteous can come in.

21I praise you, LORD, because you heard me,

because you have given me victory.

22The stone which the builders rejected as worthless

turned out to be the most important of all.

23This was done by the LORD;

what a wonderful sight it is!

24This is the day of the LORD's victory;

let us be happy, let us celebrate!

Psalms 118:14-24GNBOpen in Bible reader
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