Bible Society of South Africa

Lydenstyd: Tweede Sondag in Lydenstyd


23“Praise him, you servants of the LORD!

Honour him, you descendants of Jacob!

Worship him, you people of Israel!

24He does not neglect the poor or ignore their suffering;

he does not turn away from them,

but answers when they call for help.”

25In the full assembly I will praise you for what you have done;

in the presence of those who worship you

I will offer the sacrifices I promised.

26The poor will eat as much as they want;

those who come to the LORD will praise him.

May they prosper for ever!

27All nations will remember the LORD.

From every part of the world they will turn to him;

all races will worship him.

28The LORD is king,

and he rules the nations.

29All proud people will bow down to him;

all mortals will bow down before him.

30Future generations will serve him;

they will speak of the Lord to the coming generation.

31People not yet born will be told:

“The Lord saved his people.”

Psalms 22:23-31GNBOpen in Bible reader
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