Bible Society of South Africa

Season after Pentecost: Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

First reading and Psalm

11The time is coming when the people of Jerusalem will be told that a scorching wind is blowing in from the desert towards them. It will not be a gentle wind that only blows away the chaff — 12the wind that comes at the LORD's command will be much stronger than that! It is the LORD himself who is pronouncing judgement on his people.

Jeremiah 4:11-12GNBOpen in Bible reader

22The LORD says, “My people are stupid;

they don't know me.

They are like foolish children;

they have no understanding.

They are experts at doing what is evil,

but failures at doing what is good.”

Jeremiah's Vision of the Coming Destruction

23I looked at the earth — it was a barren waste;

at the sky — there was no light.

24I looked at the mountains — they were shaking,

and the hills were rocking to and fro.

25I saw that there were no people;

even the birds had flown away.

26The fertile land had become a desert;

its cities were in ruins

because of the LORD's fierce anger.

27(The LORD has said that the whole earth will become a wilderness, but that he will not completely destroy it.)

28The earth will mourn;

the sky will grow dark.

The LORD has spoken

and will not change his mind.

He has made his decision

and will not turn back.

Jeremiah 4:22-28GNBOpen in Bible reader

Human Wickedness

1Fools say to themselves,

“There is no God.”

They are all corrupt,

and they have done terrible things;

there is no one who does what is right.

2The LORD looks down from heaven at human beings

to see if there are any who are wise,

any who worship him.

3But they have all gone wrong;

they are all equally bad.

Not one of them does what is right,

not a single one.

4“Don't they know?” asks the LORD.

“Are all these evildoers ignorant?

They live by robbing my people,

and they never pray to me.”

5But then they will be terrified,

for God is with those who obey him.

6Evildoers frustrate the plans of the humble,

but the LORD is their protection.

7How I pray that victory

will come to Israel from Zion.

How happy the people of Israel will be

when the LORD makes them prosperous again!

Psalms 14:1-7GNBOpen in Bible reader
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