Bible Society of South Africa

Season after Pentecost: Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Alternate first reading and Psalm

A Son is Promised to Abraham

1The LORD appeared to Abraham at the sacred trees of Mamre. As Abraham was sitting at the entrance of his tent during the hottest part of the day, 2he looked up and saw three men standing there. As soon as he saw them, he ran out to meet them. Bowing down with his face touching the ground, 3he said, “Sirs, please do not pass by my home without stopping; I am here to serve you. 4Let me bring some water for you to wash your feet; you can rest here beneath this tree. 5I will also bring a bit of food; it will give you strength to continue your journey. You have honoured me by coming to my home, so let me serve you.”

They replied, “Thank you; we accept.”

6Abraham hurried into the tent and said to Sarah, “Quick, take a sack of your best flour, and bake some bread.” 7Then he ran to the herd and picked out a calf that was tender and fat, and gave it to a servant, who hurried to get it ready. 8He took some cream, some milk, and the meat, and set the food before the men. There under the tree he served them himself, and they ate.

9Then they asked him, “Where is your wife Sarah?”

“She is there in the tent,” he answered.

10One of them said, “Nine months from now I will come back, and your wife Sarah will have a son.”

Sarah was behind him, at the door of the tent, listening.

Genesis 18:1-10GNBOpen in Bible reader

What God Requires

1LORD, who may enter your Temple?

Who may worship on Zion, your sacred hill?

2Those who obey God in everything

and always do what is right,

whose words are true and sincere,

3and who do not slander others.

They do no wrong to their friends

nor spread rumours about their neighbours.

4They despise those whom God rejects,

but honour those who obey the LORD.

They always do what they promise,

no matter how much it may cost.

5They make loans without charging interest

and cannot be bribed to testify against the innocent.

Whoever does these things will always be secure.

Psalms 15:1-5GNBOpen in Bible reader
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