Bible Society of South Africa

Season after Pentecost: Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

Alternate first reading and Psalm

42Another time, a man came from Baal Shalishah, bringing Elisha twenty loaves of bread made from the first barley harvested that year, and some freshly-cut ears of corn. Elisha told his servant to feed the group of prophets with this, 43but he answered, “Do you think this is enough for a hundred men?”

Elisha replied, “Give it to them to eat, because the LORD says that they will eat and still have some left over.” 44So the servant set the food before them, and, as the LORD had said, they all ate and there was still some left over.

2 Kings 4:42-44GNBOpen in Bible reader

10All your creatures, LORD, will praise you,

and all your people will give you thanks.

11They will speak of the glory of your royal power

and tell of your might,

12so that everyone will know your mighty deeds

and the glorious majesty of your kingdom.

13Your rule is eternal,

and you are king for ever.

The LORD is faithful to his promises,

and he is merciful in all his acts.

14He helps those who are in trouble;

he lifts those who have fallen.

15All living things look hopefully to you,

and you give them food when they need it.

16You give them enough

and satisfy the needs of all.

17The LORD is righteous in all he does,

merciful in all his acts.

18He is near to those who call to him,

who call to him with sincerity.

Psalms 145:10-18GNBOpen in Bible reader
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