Bible Society of South Africa

Seisoen na Pinkster: Proper 14 (19)

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Joseph and his Brothers

1Jacob continued to live in the land of Canaan, where his father had lived, 2and this is the story of Jacob's family.

Joseph, a young man of seventeen, took care of the sheep and goats with his brothers, the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah, his father's concubines. He brought bad reports to his father about what his brothers were doing.

3Jacob loved Joseph more than all his other sons, because he had been born to him when he was old. He made a long robe with full sleeves for him. 4When his brothers saw that their father loved Joseph more than he loved them, they hated their brother so much that they would not speak to him in a friendly manner.

Genesis 37:1-4GNBOpen in Bible reader

Joseph is Sold and Taken to Egypt

12One day when Joseph's brothers had gone to Shechem to take care of their father's flock, 13Jacob said to Joseph, “I want you to go to Shechem, where your brothers are taking care of the flock.”

Joseph answered, “I am ready.”

14His father said, “Go and see if your brothers are safe and if the flock is all right; then come back and tell me.” So his father sent him on his way from the Valley of Hebron.

Joseph arrived at Shechem 15and was wandering about in the country when a man saw him and asked him, “What are you looking for?”

16“I am looking for my brothers, who are taking care of their flock,” he answered. “Can you tell me where they are?”

17The man said, “They have already left. I heard them say that they were going to Dothan.” So Joseph went after his brothers and found them at Dothan.

18They saw him in the distance, and before he reached them, they plotted against him and decided to kill him. 19They said to one another, “Here comes that dreamer. 20Come on now, let's kill him and throw his body into one of the dry wells. We can say that a wild animal killed him. Then we will see what becomes of his dreams.”

21Reuben heard them and tried to save Joseph. “Let's not kill him,” he said. 22“Just throw him into this well in the wilderness, but don't hurt him.” He said this, planning to save him from them and send him back to his father. 23When Joseph came up to his brothers, they ripped off his long robe with full sleeves. 24Then they took him and threw him into the well, which was dry.

25While they were eating, they suddenly saw a group of Ishmaelites travelling from Gilead to Egypt. Their camels were loaded with spices and resins. 26Judah said to his brothers, “What will we gain by killing our brother and covering up the murder? 27Let's sell him to these Ishmaelites. Then we won't have to hurt him; after all, he is our brother, our own flesh and blood.” His brothers agreed, 28and when some Midianite traders came by, the brothers pulled Joseph out of the well and sold him for twenty pieces of silver to the Ishmaelites, who took him to Egypt.

Genesis 37:12-28GNBOpen in Bible reader

God and his People

1Give thanks to the LORD, proclaim his greatness;

tell the nations what he has done.

2Sing praise to the LORD;

tell of the wonderful things he has done.

3Be glad that we belong to him;

let all who worship him rejoice.

4Go to the LORD for help;

and worship him continually.

5-6You descendants of Abraham, his servant;

you descendants of Jacob, the man he chose:

remember the miracles that God performed

and the judgements that he gave.

7The LORD is our God;

his commands are for all the world.

8He will keep his covenant for ever,

his promises for a thousand generations.

9He will keep the agreement he made with Abraham

and his promise to Isaac.

10The LORD made a covenant with Jacob,

one that will last for ever.

11“I will give you the land of Canaan,” he said.

“It will be your own possession.”

12God's people were few in number,

strangers in the land of Canaan.

13They wandered from country to country,

from one kingdom to another.

14But God let no one oppress them;

to protect them, he warned the kings:

15“Don't harm my chosen servants;

do not touch my prophets.”

16The LORD sent famine to their country

and took away all their food.

Psalms 105:1-16GNBOpen in Bible reader

16The LORD sent famine to their country

and took away all their food.

17But he sent a man ahead of them,

Joseph, who had been sold as a slave.

18His feet were kept in chains,

and an iron collar was round his neck,

19until what he had predicted came true.

The word of the LORD proved him right.

20Then the king of Egypt had him released;

the ruler of nations set him free.

21He put him in charge of his government

and made him ruler over all the land,

22with power over the king's officials

and authority to instruct his advisers.

Psalms 105:16-22GNBOpen in Bible reader

45so that his people would obey his laws

and keep all his commands.

Praise the LORD!

Psalms 105:45GNBOpen in Bible reader
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