The Song of Moses
1Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the LORD:
“I will sing to the LORD, because he has won a glorious victory;
he has thrown the horses and their riders into the sea.
2The LORD is my strong defender;
he is the one who has saved me.
He is my God, and I will praise him,
my father's God, and I will sing about his greatness.
3The LORD is a warrior;
the LORD is his name.
4“He threw Egypt's army and its chariots into the sea;
the best of its officers were drowned in the Red Sea.
5The deep sea covered them;
they sank to the bottom like a stone.
6“Your right hand, LORD, is awesome in power;
it breaks the enemy in pieces.
7In majestic triumph you overthrow your foes;
your anger blazes out and burns them up like straw.
8You blew on the sea and the water piled up high;
it stood up straight like a wall;
the deepest part of the sea became solid.
9The enemy said, ‘I will pursue them and catch them;
I will divide their wealth and take all I want;
I will draw my sword and take all they have.’
10But one breath from you, LORD, and the Egyptians were drowned;
they sank like lead in the terrible water.
11“LORD, who among the gods is like you?
Who is like you, wonderful in holiness?
Who can work miracles and mighty acts like yours?