Bible Society of South Africa

Seisoen na Pinkster: Proper 20 (25)

Alternatiewe eerste lesing en Psalm

A Hymn of Praise

1I will proclaim your greatness, my God and king;

I will thank you for ever and ever.

2Every day I will thank you;

I will praise you for ever and ever.

3The LORD is great and is to be highly praised;

his greatness is beyond understanding.

4What you have done will be praised from one generation to the next;

they will proclaim your mighty acts.

5They will speak of your glory and majesty,

and I will meditate on your wonderful deeds.

6People will speak of your mighty deeds,

and I will proclaim your greatness.

7They will tell about all your goodness

and sing about your kindness.

8The LORD is loving and merciful,

slow to become angry and full of constant love.

Psalms 145:1-8GNBOpen in Bible reader
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