A new start – Day 18

A new start … Start to put your faith in God
Bible text(s)
Mark 11
John 16
[BACKGROUND: I would like to share two testimonies of God’s protection and care for us today.]
Reader 1, Sandra Faber: “For years, I was a heavy smoker. At one stage, I smoked up to 60 cigarettes per day. No pill, advice or sticker, promising to help me quit smoking, ever worked.
In 2005, I recommitted my life to God and started a closer walk with him. Yet, I still struggled to quit smoking. One morning, I read a magazine article about a woman who shared how the Holy Spirit supernaturally helped her in a difficult situation when she asked God to lead her through his Spirit. The article touched me deeply and I decided to go down on my knees, and asked God to free me from my smoking addiction through his Holy Spirit.
God heard my prayer and I was freed instantly. It is now years later and since that day, I have never touched a cigarette – or experienced any withdrawal symptoms! God is great. He indeed performed a miracle in my life.”
Reader 2, Mabel Swart: “A few years ago, robbers came into the shop where I was working and took a large amount of cash from my cash register. In shock, I ran after them, but suddenly experienced a tremendous pain in my lower body. The pain was so severe that I stopped running and the security guard took over the chase.
At home that afternoon, the pain worsened and my husband took me the hospital. After a few tests, the doctor informed us that I was 17 weeks pregnant, but due to the shock, my body was busy rejecting the baby. There was already blood in my urine and he said there was nothing they could do to stop the process.
We went home and started praying. We stood on God’s promises and desperately asked him to perform a miracle to save our baby. He intervened and healed me. On 21 September 1994, after I carried the baby full term, our beautiful, healthy baby was born. I praise the wonderful name of Jesus Christ!”
Sandra and Mabel both experienced God’s power because they put their faith completely in him. Listen again to Jesus’ words in Mark 11:24: “… whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” Also in John 16:23 we read: “… whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you.”
There is power in the name of Jesus Christ. Let us pray without doubt and wait with excitement to see what he will do in our lives. God bless.