Bible Society of South Africa

Comfort from the Word – Day 10

Obedience towards God

Bible text(s)

Psalms 119

A Prayer for Understanding

33Teach me, LORD, the meaning of your laws,

and I will obey them at all times.

34Explain your law to me, and I will obey it;

I will keep it with all my heart.

Psalms 119:33-34GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 119

Desire to Obey the Law of the LORD

129Your teachings are wonderful;

I obey them with all my heart.

130The explanation of your teachings gives light

and brings wisdom to the ignorant.

131In my desire for your commands

I pant with open mouth.

132Turn to me and have mercy on me

as you do on all those who love you.

133As you have promised, keep me from falling;

don't let me be overcome by evil.

Psalms 119:129-133GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 119

10With all my heart I try to serve you;

keep me from disobeying your commandments.

11I keep your law in my heart,

so that I will not sin against you.

Psalms 119:10-11GNBOpen in Bible reader

When one is in distress and in need of the power and comfort of the Lord, one often feels rather helpless. These Scripture portions from the Psalms have been grouped together under headings to help you find verses of Scripture appropriate to your particular circumstances.

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