Bible Society of South Africa

Comfort from the Word – Day 21


Bible text(s)

Psalms 31

9Be merciful to me, LORD,

for I am in trouble;

my eyes are tired from so much crying;

I am completely worn out.

10I am exhausted by sorrow,

and weeping has shortened my life.

I am weak from all my troubles;

even my bones are wasting away.

11All my enemies, and especially my neighbours,

treat me with contempt;

those who know me are afraid of me;

when they see me in the street, they run away.

12Everyone has forgotten me, as though I were dead;

I am like something thrown away.

Psalms 31:9-12GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 31

22I was afraid and thought

that he had driven me out of his presence.

But he heard my cry,

when I called to him for help.

Psalms 31:22GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 38

5Because I have been foolish,

my sores stink and rot.

6I am bowed down, I am crushed;

I mourn all day long.

7I am burning with fever

and I am near to death.

8I am worn out and utterly crushed;

my heart is troubled, and I groan with pain.

9O Lord, you know what I long for;

you hear all my groans.

10My heart is pounding, my strength is gone,

and my eyes have lost their brightness.

Psalms 38:5-10GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 38

21Do not abandon me, O LORD;

do not stay away, my God!

22Help me now, O Lord my saviour!

Psalms 38:21-22GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 42

The Prayer of Someone in Exile

1As a deer longs for a stream of cool water,

so I long for you, O God.

2I thirst for you, the living God;

when can I go and worship in your presence?

3Day and night I cry,

and tears are my only food;

all the time my enemies ask me,

“Where is your God?”

4My heart breaks when I remember the past,

when I went with the crowds to the house of God

and led them as they walked along,

a happy crowd, singing and shouting praise to God.

5Why am I so sad?

Why am I so troubled?

I will put my hope in God,

and once again I will praise him,

my saviour and my God.

Psalms 42:1-5GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 39

The Confession of a Sufferer

1I said, “I will be careful what I do

and will not let my tongue make me sin;

I will not say anything

while evil people are near.”

2I kept quiet, not saying a word,

not even about anything good!

But my suffering only grew worse,

3and I was overcome with anxiety.

The more I thought, the more troubled I became;

I could not keep from asking:

4LORD, how long will I live?

When will I die?

Tell me how soon my life will end.”

5How short you have made my life!

In your sight my lifetime seems nothing.

Indeed every living being is no more than a puff of wind,

6no more than a shadow.

All they do is for nothing;

they gather wealth, but don't know who will get it.

7What, then, can I hope for, Lord?

I put my hope in you.

8Save me from all my sins,

and don't let fools laugh at me.

9I will keep quiet, I will not say a word,

for you are the one who made me suffer like this.

10Don't punish me any more!

I am about to die from your blows.

11You punish our sins by your rebukes,

and like a moth you destroy what we love.

Indeed we are no more than a puff of wind!

12Hear my prayer, LORD,

and listen to my cry;

come to my aid when I weep.

Like all my ancestors

I am only your guest for a little while.

13Leave me alone so that I may have some happiness

before I go away and am no more.

Psalms 42

Book Two

Psalms 42—72

The Prayer of Someone in Exile

1As a deer longs for a stream of cool water,

so I long for you, O God.

2I thirst for you, the living God;

when can I go and worship in your presence?

3Day and night I cry,

and tears are my only food;

all the time my enemies ask me,

“Where is your God?”

4My heart breaks when I remember the past,

when I went with the crowds to the house of God

and led them as they walked along,

a happy crowd, singing and shouting praise to God.

5Why am I so sad?

Why am I so troubled?

I will put my hope in God,

and once again I will praise him,

my saviour and my God.

6-7Here in exile my heart is breaking,

and so I turn my thoughts to him.

He has sent waves of sorrow over my soul;

chaos roars at me like a flood,

like waterfalls thundering down to the Jordan

from Mount Hermon and Mount Mizar.

8May the LORD show his constant love during the day,

so that I may have a song at night,

a prayer to the God of my life.

9To God, my defender, I say,

“Why have you forgotten me?

Why must I go on suffering

from the cruelty of my enemies?”

10I am crushed by their insults,

as they keep on asking me,

“Where is your God?”

11Why am I so sad?

Why am I so troubled?

I will put my hope in God,

and once again I will praise him,

my saviour and my God.

Psalms 43

The Prayer of Someone in Exile

(Continuation of Ps 42)

1O God, declare me innocent,

and defend my cause against the ungodly;

deliver me from lying and evil people!

2You are my protector;

why have you abandoned me?

Why must I go on suffering

from the cruelty of my enemies?

3Send your light and your truth;

may they lead me

and bring me back to Zion, your sacred hill,

and to your Temple, where you live.

4Then I will go to your altar, O God;

you are the source of my happiness.

I will play my harp and sing praise to you,

O God, my God.

5Why am I so sad?

Why am I so troubled?

I will put my hope in God,

and once again I will praise him,

my saviour and my God.

Psalms 55

The Prayer of Someone Betrayed by a Friend

1Hear my prayer, O God;

don't turn away from my plea!

2Listen to me and answer me;

I am worn out by my worries.

3I am terrified by the threats of my enemies,

crushed by the oppression of the wicked.

They bring trouble on me;

they are angry with me and hate me.

4I am terrified,

and the terrors of death crush me.

5I am gripped by fear and trembling;

I am overcome with horror.

6I wish I had wings, like a dove.

I would fly away and find rest.

7I would fly far away

and make my home in the desert.

8I would quickly find myself a shelter

from the raging wind and the storm.

Psalms 55:1-8GNBOpen in Bible reader

When one is in distress and in need of the power and comfort of the Lord, one often feels rather helpless. These Scripture portions from the Psalms have been grouped together under headings to help you find verses of Scripture appropriate to your particular circumstances.

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